Despite reading the old thread: and that the issues raised there appear to be resolved in D5, I can't figure out how to show tooltips in a status bar. Do anybody has any clue? This is my sample code: | package | package := Package name: 'ToolTipSample'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #ToolTipShell; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new add: #ToolTipShell -> 'Default view'; yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Views\Control Bars\Dolphin Control Bars'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; add: 'Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\Value\Dolphin Value Models'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! Shell subclass: #ToolTipShell instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! ToolTipShell guid: (GUID fromString: '{5B2019ED-0B8D-4BAD-B0AA-C0036C5EC662}')! ToolTipShell comment: ''! !ToolTipShell categoriesForClass!MVP-Presenters! ! !ToolTipShell methodsFor! onViewOpened | item | item := self view viewNamed: 'item'. item model: (ValueHolder with: 'TEXT'). "Further experiments..." "item parentView hasToolTips: true." "item parentView setItem: item tipText: 'TOOLTIP '." ! ! !ToolTipShell categoriesFor: #onViewOpened!public! ! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! (ResourceIdentifier class: ToolTipShell name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAPkEAAAhU1RCIDEgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA mgAAAAAAAABSAAAAEAAAAERvbHBoaW4gTVZQIEJhc2VSAAAACQAAAFNoZWxsVmlld2IAAAAbAAAA AAAAAAAAAABiAAAAAgAAAAEAngEBAAIAoAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACg AQAABgcMAEJvcmRlckxheW91dAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAACaAQAAAAAAAJoAAAAAAAAAUgAAABQA AABEb2xwaGluIENvbnRyb2wgQmFyc1IAAAAJAAAAU3RhdHVzQmFyYgAAABIAAAAAAAAAoAEAAGIA AAACAAAAggAAAAQAAAAECQBEAQAAACACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAYEBABGb250AAAA AAAAAAAQAAAABgEHAExPR0ZPTlQAAAAAcgAAADwAAADz////AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkAEAAAAAAAAD AgEiQXJpYWwAnwQAhj8BAADMNT8BAgAUOwAAAAD3AAVWbwEGAgUAUG9pbnQAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAA AAAAIAIAAAAAAACCAAAACAAAALUD//8AAAAA6gAAAAAAAAAAAQAAYgAAAAIAAAAGBw0AU3RhdHVz QmFySXRlbQAAAAABAAAA/////yACAAAAAAAAmgAAAAAAAADAAQAAUgAAABEAAABCYXNpY0xpc3RB YnN0cmFjdDADAAAOAhEAU1RCU2luZ2xldG9uUHJveHkAAAAAmgAAAAAAAADAAQAAUgAAABAAAABJ Y29uSW1hZ2VNYW5hZ2VyugAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAGN1cnJlbnRSAAAABAAAAGl0ZW1iAAAAAQAA AEADAAAGBBEAU3RhdHVzQmFyTnVsbEl0ZW0AAAAAAQIAAAEAAAAgAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAQ8ATWVz c2FnZVNlcXVlbmNlAAAAAMoAAAAAAAAA0AAAAGIAAAABAAAABgMLAE1lc3NhZ2VTZW5kAAAAALoA AAAAAAAAUgAAABAAAABjcmVhdGVBdDpleHRlbnQ6YgAAAAIAAADiAgAAAAAAAAEAAABdAgAA4gIA AAAAAAA9AwAALQAAACACAAAGAQ8AV0lORE9XUExBQ0VNRU5UAAAAAHIAAAAsAAAALAAAAAAAAAAB AAAA/////////////////////wAAAAAuAQAAngEAAEQBAADKAAAAAAAAANAAAABiAAAAAAAAAOIC AAAAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAAAAAAEwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOoAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAFAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEgQAAAAAAADKAAAA AAAAANAAAABiAAAAAgAAAFIEAAAAAAAAcAQAAGIAAAACAAAA4gIAAAAAAAALAAAACwAAAOICAAAA AAAATQMAAMMCAACgAQAAUgQAAAAAAAC6AAAAAAAAAFIAAAAIAAAAbWVudUJhcjpiAAAAAQAAAAAA AACgAQAAwgQAAAAAAAByAAAALAAAACwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP////////////////////8FAAAABQAA AKsBAABmAQAAygAAAAAAAADQAAAAYgAAAAEAAAAgAgAAEAUAAAAAAAAVAAAARgUEAAMAAABJY29u AAAAAAAAAAAQAAAADgIRAFNUQlNpbmdsZXRvblByb3h5AAAAAJoAAAAAAAAAUgAAAAcAAABEb2xw aGluUgAAABgAAABJbWFnZVJlbGF0aXZlRmlsZUxvY2F0b3K6AAAAAAAAAFIAAAAHAAAAY3VycmVu dFIAAAANAAAAU2hlbGxWaWV3Lmljbw4CHwBTVEJFeHRlcm5hbFJlc291cmNlTGlicmFyeVByb3h5 AAAAAFIAAAAQAAAAZG9scGhpbmRyMDA1LmRsbAAAAAA='))! |
"Daniel Rozzeta" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > and that the issues raised there appear to be resolved in D5, I can't > figure out how to show tooltips in a status bar. > Do anybody has any clue? I can't get the package to load so I can't try it but your #onViewOpened method is missing a supersend at the start and this is known to cause a lot of problems. -- Ian Use the Reply-To address to contact me. Mail sent to the From address is ignored. |
I wrote;
> I can't get the package to load so I can't try it but your #onViewOpened > method is missing a supersend at the start and this is known to cause a > lot of problems. As you've probably discovered now that didn't solve anything. I haven't looked into it again but it appears that D5 just won't display tool tips for the StatusBar, even the normal browsers don't display anything. -- Ian Use the Reply-To address to contact me. Mail sent to the From address is ignored. |
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-19
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message news:<1108765097.422a23488c9255943f4f46bc88588cfa@teranews>...
> "Daniel Rozzeta" <[hidden email]> wrote in message > news:[hidden email]... > > > and that the issues raised there appear to be resolved in D5, I can't > > figure out how to show tooltips in a status bar. > > Do anybody has any clue? > > I can't get the package to load so I can't try it but your #onViewOpened > method is missing a supersend at the start and this is known to cause a lot > of problems. Yes, my mistake for trying to write a minimal sample quickly. However, adding it didn't help. I found the method Toolbar>>wmNotify: message wParam: wParam lParam: lParam It seems to me that it should belong to ControlBarAbstract instead of Toolbar, so StatusBar may share it as well. Moving it to the superclass had the positive effect of actually receive the events I couldn't catch before. OTOH, I now get the following error: SmallInteger does not understand #toolTipText in method View>>onTipTextRequired: tool Apparently ControlView>>ttnNeedText: aTOOLTIPTEXT evaluates at some point: tool := (aTOOLTIPTEXT uFlags anyMask: TTF_IDISHWND) ifTrue: [View withHandle: idOrHandle] ifFalse: [idOrHandle]. and gets a 0 instead of a ToolbarButton or a CommandDescription (the only classes that implement #toolTipText So far I hadn't have the time to investigate further. Best regards, Daniel |
I finally made it to work. It is just a hack, and I am sure there are much better ways to implement it, but this is as far as my knowledge goes. Below is a package I made with the modifications (only a bunch of loose methods), but a class for testing purposes is also included. By default, the StatusBarItem's tooltip text is the same as the item's text, but I provided StatusBarItem>>tipText: in order to set its value. For further but not mandatory clean-ups do the following after package installation: * Remove Toolbar>>wmNotifi:wParam:lParam: (It has bean alreade moved up to ControlBarAbstract) * Remove Toolbar>>ttnNeedText: * Remove Toolbar's instance variable tipText (not sure about this one though) Agreed: * I used StatusBarItem's instance variable reserved1. I probably shouldn't, but it is not easy to add an iv since status bar are used everywhere * The implementation of the new method StatuBarItem>>getTipText is odd, but for some reason I haven't time to find, reserved1 gets assigned at some point with an IconImageManager. I will be glad if this is useful to someone. Best regards, Daniel Rozzeta ------------------ | package | package := Package name: 'ToolTipSample'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package classNames add: #ToolTipShell; yourself. package methodNames add: #ControlBarAbstract -> #ttnNeedText:; add: #ControlBarAbstract -> #wmNotify:wParam:lParam:; add: #StatusBar -> #buttonFromId:ifAbsent:; add: #StatusBar -> #onTipTextRequired:; add: #StatusBarItem -> #getTipText; add: #StatusBarItem -> #tipText:; add: #StatusBarItemAbstract -> #onTipTextRequired; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new add: #ToolTipShell -> 'Default view'; yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Projects\LineaSalud\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; add: 'Projects\LineaSalud\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Views\Control Bars\Dolphin Control Bars'; add: 'Projects\LineaSalud\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; add: 'Projects\LineaSalud\Object Arts\Dolphin\MVP\Models\Value\Dolphin Value Models'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! Shell subclass: #ToolTipShell instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !ControlBarAbstract methodsFor! ttnNeedText: aTOOLTIPTEXT "Private - Generic handler for the TTN_NEEDTEXT(A/W) notification message." | tool idOrHandle | idOrHandle := aTOOLTIPTEXT idFrom. tool := (aTOOLTIPTEXT uFlags anyMask: TTF_IDISHWND) ifTrue: [View withHandle: idOrHandle] ifFalse: [self buttonFromId: idOrHandle ifAbsent: []]. tool isNil ifTrue: [^nil "accept default processing"]. aTOOLTIPTEXT text: (self presenter onTipTextRequired: tool). ^0! wmNotify: message wParam: wParam lParam: lParam "Private - Redirects WM_NOTIFY messages to the appropriate control as a notify message. Overridden here to handle notifications from the receiver's tool tip control which does not itself have an associated View so cannot receive the redirected message. In any case it is more convenient to direct the notification to the receiver's #ttnNeedText: handler." | pnmhdr code | pnmhdr := lParam asExternalAddress. code := pnmhdr sdwordAtOffset: 8. (code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW or: [code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA]) ifTrue: [^self nmNotify: pnmhdr]. ^super wmNotify: message wParam: wParam lParam: lParam! ! !ControlBarAbstract categoriesFor: #ttnNeedText:!event handling-win32!public! ! !ControlBarAbstract categoriesFor: #wmNotify:wParam:lParam:!event handling-win32!private! ! !StatusBar methodsFor! buttonFromId: aSmallInteger ifAbsent: aBlockClosure ^ parts at: aSmallInteger + 1 ifAbsent: aBlockClosure.! onTipTextRequired: item "Text is required for the tool-tip associated with the <ToolbarItem>, item." ^item onTipTextRequired! ! !StatusBar categoriesFor: #buttonFromId:ifAbsent:!public! ! !StatusBar categoriesFor: #onTipTextRequired:!public! ! !StatusBarItem methodsFor! getTipText ^ (reserved1 isKindOf: String) ifTrue: [ reserved1 ] ifFalse: [ super getTipText ]! tipText: aText reserved1 := aText.! ! !StatusBarItem categoriesFor: #getTipText!private!updating! ! !StatusBarItem categoriesFor: #tipText:!private!updating! ! !StatusBarItemAbstract methodsFor! onTipTextRequired ^ self getTipText! ! !StatusBarItemAbstract categoriesFor: #onTipTextRequired!public! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! ToolTipShell guid: (GUID fromString: '{5B2019ED-0B8D-4BAD-B0AA-C0036C5EC662}')! ToolTipShell comment: ''! !ToolTipShell categoriesForClass!MVP-Presenters! ! !ToolTipShell methodsFor! onViewOpened | item | item := self view viewNamed: 'item'. item model: (ValueHolder with: 'text 1'); tipText: 'Tooltip 1'. item := self view viewNamed: 'item2'. item model: (ValueHolder with: 'text 2'); tipText: 'Tooltip 2'.! ! !ToolTipShell categoriesFor: #onViewOpened!public! ! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! (ResourceIdentifier class: ToolTipShell name: 'Default view') assign: (Object fromBinaryStoreBytes: (ByteArray fromBase64String: 'IVNUQiAxIEYCDAABAAAAVmlld1Jlc291cmNlAAAAAA4BJABTVEJSZXNvdXJjZVNUQkJ5dGVBcnJh eUFjY2Vzc29yUHJveHkAAAAAcgAAAC4FAAAhU1RCIDEgTggMAAoAAABTVEJWaWV3UHJveHkAAAAA mgAAAAAAAABSAAAAEAAAAERvbHBoaW4gTVZQIEJhc2VSAAAACQAAAFNoZWxsVmlld2IAAAAbAAAA AAAAAAAAAABiAAAAAgAAAAEAngEBAAIAoAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACg AQAABgcMAEJvcmRlckxheW91dAAAAAABAAAAAQAAAAAAAACaAQAAAAAAAJoAAAAAAAAAUgAAABQA AABEb2xwaGluIENvbnRyb2wgQmFyc1IAAAAJAAAAU3RhdHVzQmFyYgAAABIAAAAAAAAAoAEAAGIA AAACAAAAggAAAAQAAAAECQBEAQAAACACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAYEBABGb250AAAA AAAAAAAQAAAABgEHAExPR0ZPTlQAAAAAcgAAADwAAADz////AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkAEAAAAAAAAD AgEiQXJpYWwAnwQAhj8BAADMNT8BAgAUOwAAAAD3AAVWbwEGAgUAUG9pbnQAAAAAwQAAAMEAAAAA AAAAIAIAAAAAAACCAAAACAAAALEG//8AAAAA6gAAAAAAAAAAAQAAYgAAAAQAAAAGBw0AU3RhdHVz QmFySXRlbQAAAAABAAAA/////yACAAAAAAAAmgAAAAAAAADAAQAAUgAAABEAAABCYXNpY0xpc3RB YnN0cmFjdDADAAAOAhEAU1RCU2luZ2xldG9uUHJveHkAAAAAmgAAAAAAAADAAQAAUgAAABAAAABJ Y29uSW1hZ2VNYW5hZ2VyugAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAGN1cnJlbnRSAAAABAAAAGl0ZW0yAwAAAAAA AAEAAAD/////IAIAAAAAAABQAwAAMAMAAAAAAABSAAAABQAAAGl0ZW0yYgAAAAIAAABAAwAA4AMA AAYEEQBTdGF0dXNCYXJOdWxsSXRlbQAAAAABAgAAAQAAACACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBDwBNZXNzYWdl U2VxdWVuY2UAAAAAygAAAAAAAADQAAAAYgAAAAEAAAAGAwsATWVzc2FnZVNlbmQAAAAAugAAAAAA AABSAAAAEAAAAGNyZWF0ZUF0OmV4dGVudDpiAAAAAgAAAOICAAAAAAAAAQAAAF0CAADiAgAAAAAA AD0DAAAtAAAAIAIAAAYBDwBXSU5ET1dQTEFDRU1FTlQAAAAAcgAAACwAAAAsAAAAAAAAAAEAAAD/ ////////////////////AAAAAC4BAACeAQAARAEAAMoAAAAAAAAA0AAAAGIAAAAAAAAA4gIAAAAA AADBAAAAwQAAAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6gAAAAAAAAAAAQAAIAUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAyBAAAAAAAAMoAAAAAAAAA 0AAAAGIAAAACAAAAcgQAAAAAAACQBAAAYgAAAAIAAADiAgAAAAAAAAsAAAALAAAA4gIAAAAAAABN AwAAwwIAAKABAAByBAAAAAAAALoAAAAAAAAAUgAAAAgAAABtZW51QmFyOmIAAAABAAAAAAAAAKAB AADiBAAAAAAAAHIAAAAsAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/////////////////////wUAAAAFAAAAqwEA AGYBAADKAAAAAAAAANAAAABiAAAAAQAAACACAAAwBQAAAAAAABUAAABGBQQAAwAAAEljb24AAAAA AAAAABAAAAAOAhEAU1RCU2luZ2xldG9uUHJveHkAAAAAmgAAAAAAAABSAAAABwAAAERvbHBoaW5S AAAAGAAAAEltYWdlUmVsYXRpdmVGaWxlTG9jYXRvcroAAAAAAAAAUgAAAAcAAABjdXJyZW50UgAA AA0AAABTaGVsbFZpZXcuaWNvDgIfAFNUQkV4dGVybmFsUmVzb3VyY2VMaWJyYXJ5UHJveHkAAAAA UgAAABAAAABkb2xwaGluZHIwMDUuZGxsAAAAAA=='))! |
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