StatusBar not updating - revisiting a possible D6 bug?

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StatusBar not updating - revisiting a possible D6 bug?

Tim M
I notice from the following thread:

that people have been having issues with the status bar not updating properly.
Did anyone come to any conclusions on this?

I have found the same thing with the SUnitBrowser in Dolphin. I had a a modification
that showed the current error in the status bar, when you clicked on it.
Some time after the D6beta the status bar has become blank when I click on
an item - and as indicated in the thread, resiving the window does indeed
redraw the bar.

In the SunitBrowser it uses a when: #selectionChanged of a list presenter,
and its in this method that I update the model of the statusBar.

It all looks normal, and as mentioned it did work in a prior version of D6.

Any ideas?

I did notice some wierdness, I put a pumpMessages in the callback method
and that sometimes allowed a proper redraw (although never if I click on
the first item in the list). Also if I debug the method and actually step
over some code it then displays correctly - however if I just press resume
in the pre-debug dialog it doesn't refresh.


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Re: StatusBar not updating - revisiting a possible D6 bug?

Tim M
Hey Object Arts

> I notice from the following thread:
> read/thread/7d801469441c3122/e8fb3dc7ad99fd50?lnk=gst&q=status+bar&rnu
> m=3#e8fb3dc7ad99fd50
> that people have been having issues with the status bar not updating
> properly. Did anyone come to any conclusions on this?

I have picked out one difference - I had no problems with the status bar
when I had a laptop that used the Windows Classic style for Windows and Buttons.

My replacement laptop is setup with the Windows XP style, and this is what
stops the status bar from updating properly. As Ian mentioned in that thread,
you have to resize a window to get it to redraw - and sometimes it draws
in the wrong vertical position (e.g. a line half cut off).

Is there anything we can do to fix this - I am kind of liking the XP theme.
I know that Steve cracked the background paint problem of checkboxes (i.e.
when they were black) which was another problem related to Windows XP styling,
is there anything similar for the status bar.

I particularly want to get the status bar for the SUnit browser working again,
as its so helpful being able to click on a test and see the error without
having to run the debugger.


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Re: StatusBar not updating - revisiting a possible D6 bug?

Tim M
Hey OA - did you have any tips on how to resolve this?
