Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?

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Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?


The video doesn't load in either safari, firefox or chrome on my Mac.

Are there more resources I should be looking at for this?

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?

On 8/13/10 3:51 PM, Lawson English wrote:
> The video doesn't load in either safari, firefox or chrome on my Mac.
> Are there more resources I should be looking at for this?

OK, so managed to get Pier installed into the squeak 4.1 one-click
distribution and clicked on blog. I can leave a comment but I get stuck
in a loop where I can't cancel the comment request.  Has pier,
especially the blog component, been tested with the 4.1 one click

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?

Hi Lawson,

OK, so managed to get Pier installed into the squeak 4.1 one-click distribution and clicked on blog. I can leave a comment but I get stuck in a loop where I can't cancel the comment request.  Has pier, especially the blog component, been tested with the 4.1 one click distribution?

Some ways of registering Pier:

1) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel:  PRDistribution new kernel. 
2) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named: 'aSimpleKernel').
3) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel new root: (PRPage new title: 'test title'; contents: 'Pier on Seaside 3.0'; name: 'testPage'); name: 'aVerySimpleKernel').

AFAIK all Pier development takes place on Pharo - might be worth trying the Pharo Seaside30rc and seeing if you have the same problem there.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?

Some ways of registering Pier:

1) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel:  PRDistribution new kernel. 
2) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named: 'aSimpleKernel').
3) PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel new root: (PRPage new title: 'test title'; contents: 'Pier on Seaside 3.0'; name: 'testPage'); name: 'aVerySimpleKernel').

AFAIK all Pier development takes place on Pharo - might be worth trying the Pharo Seaside30rc and seeing if you have the same problem there.

On 14 August 2010 07:35, Lawson English <[hidden email]> wrote:
On 8/13/10 11:01 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
There is no one-click image for Squeak 4.1 AFAIK. Please try the
official image from, or a daily build from

That you don't know about it could explain why pier has no set entry point in it and why the pier blog component has problems with it.

How about downloading one of Lucas' daily builds or use Seaside30rc on Pharo and register Pier with:
   PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel:  PRDistribution new kernel

If you can reproduce the problem on Pharo then send an error report to the Pier mailing list. If your error is only present on the Squeak build, then report the problem on the squeak mailing list.


Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
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Re: Step by step on how to create pier-based blog?

Reza Razavi
At 09:07 14/08/2010, Nick Ager wrote:
>How about downloading one of Lucas' daily builds or use Seaside30rc on Pharo

Hi Lawson, Nick, all,

I actually downloaded and tried both. I didn't
notice the following issue you mentioned in a previous email.

>I can leave a comment but I get stuck in a loop
>where I can't cancel the comment request.

My understanding is that you refer a
functionality that is not an endless loop, but
actually part of the blog's design. The "leave a
comment" dialog appears systematically, even if
you cancel it, as far as the post still accepts comments (there is a timeout).

This being said, I observed better development
performances with the Hudson download. It seems
that the Seaside30rc on Pharo package comes with
some development packages pre-loaded that
sometimes make you wait a while before accepting
a method, or rendering a text typed in a
workspace, etc. (I'm still under Vista and not OSX, sorry for that).

With the Husdon image, Build #200 (13 août 2010
10:40:23), I only had a small issue with the
settings dialog. MCConfiguration >>
updateFromImage seems missing. From a comparison
of the packages for MonticelloConfigurations
between Seaside30rc on Pharo and Hudson images in, it appears
that the version of Hudson is outdated. I loaded
the latest one
(MonticelloConfigurations-StephaneDucasse.61) and
it seems working just fine now.

Hoping this helps,

Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...