Ston feature idea?

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Ston feature idea?


At Synectique sometimes we use Ston to export models that contains some

Moose entities been complex, we usually export only the moose name of
the entity then we retrieve the entity during the import. But we did not
find any "easy" way to do this in Ston.

I used voyage and it has a system like this. Example:

Amount class>>mongoCurrency

   ^ VOMongoToOneDescription new
      attributeName: 'currency';
      accessor: (MAPluggableAccessor
         read: [ :amount | amount currency abbreviation ]
         write: [ :amount :value | amount currency: (Currency
fromAbbreviation: value) ]);

With this Voyage know how to read/write the instance variable "currency".

I think it would be cool to be able to easily customize import/export
variables with Ston. Maybe it is already possible but I missed the way
to do it?

I would like your thoughts about that. :)

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Cyril,

This can be done quite easily in STON, I will make you a small example and add it to the unit tests.


> On 17 May 2017, at 12:19, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi!
> At Synectique sometimes we use Ston to export models that contains some
> MooseEntities.
> Moose entities been complex, we usually export only the moose name of
> the entity then we retrieve the entity during the import. But we did not
> find any "easy" way to do this in Ston.
> I used voyage and it has a system like this. Example:
> Amount class>>mongoCurrency
>   <mongoDescription>
>   ^ VOMongoToOneDescription new
>      attributeName: 'currency';
>      accessor: (MAPluggableAccessor
>         read: [ :amount | amount currency abbreviation ]
>         write: [ :amount :value | amount currency: (Currency
> fromAbbreviation: value) ]);
>      yourself
> With this Voyage know how to read/write the instance variable "currency".
> I think it would be cool to be able to easily customize import/export
> variables with Ston. Maybe it is already possible but I missed the way
> to do it?
> I would like your thoughts about that. :)
> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Peter Uhnak
Just curious... why don't you use MSE?


On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 12:44:58PM +0200, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> Hi Cyril,
> This can be done quite easily in STON, I will make you a small example and add it to the unit tests.
> Sven
> > On 17 May 2017, at 12:19, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > At Synectique sometimes we use Ston to export models that contains some
> > MooseEntities.
> >
> > Moose entities been complex, we usually export only the moose name of
> > the entity then we retrieve the entity during the import. But we did not
> > find any "easy" way to do this in Ston.
> >
> > I used voyage and it has a system like this. Example:
> >
> > Amount class>>mongoCurrency
> >   <mongoDescription>
> >
> >   ^ VOMongoToOneDescription new
> >      attributeName: 'currency';
> >      accessor: (MAPluggableAccessor
> >         read: [ :amount | amount currency abbreviation ]
> >         write: [ :amount :value | amount currency: (Currency
> > fromAbbreviation: value) ]);
> >      yourself
> >
> > With this Voyage know how to read/write the instance variable "currency".
> >
> > I think it would be cool to be able to easily customize import/export
> > variables with Ston. Maybe it is already possible but I missed the way
> > to do it?
> >
> > I would like your thoughts about that. :)
> >
> > --
> > Cyril Ferlicot
> >
> >
> >
> > 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> > 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France
> >

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 12:44, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Cyril,
> This can be done quite easily in STON, I will make you a small example and add it to the unit tests.

Name: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.79
Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
Time: 17 May 2017, 1:43:03.944446 pm
UUID: fb472e87-180c-0d00-b559-fec60aee7555
Ancestors: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.78

Add STONWriteReadTests>>#testKnownObjects as an example of how to serialize only an ID and resolve that ID upon materialization

Add STONTestKnownObject with custom #stonOn: and class side #fromSton:

You basically (over)write 2 methods, instance side

"protocol: ston-core"
stonOn: stonWriter
  "We only write out our id"
  stonWriter writeObject: self listSingleton: self id asString

and class side

"protocol: ston-core"
fromSton: stonReader
  ^ self fromId: stonReader parseListSingleton

The #fromId: methods retrieves an existing instance.



> Sven
>> On 17 May 2017, at 12:19, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> At Synectique sometimes we use Ston to export models that contains some
>> MooseEntities.
>> Moose entities been complex, we usually export only the moose name of
>> the entity then we retrieve the entity during the import. But we did not
>> find any "easy" way to do this in Ston.
>> I used voyage and it has a system like this. Example:
>> Amount class>>mongoCurrency
>>  <mongoDescription>
>>  ^ VOMongoToOneDescription new
>>     attributeName: 'currency';
>>     accessor: (MAPluggableAccessor
>>        read: [ :amount | amount currency abbreviation ]
>>        write: [ :amount :value | amount currency: (Currency
>> fromAbbreviation: value) ]);
>>     yourself
>> With this Voyage know how to read/write the instance variable "currency".
>> I think it would be cool to be able to easily customize import/export
>> variables with Ston. Maybe it is already possible but I missed the way
>> to do it?
>> I would like your thoughts about that. :)
>> --
>> Cyril Ferlicot
>> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
>> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
On 17/05/2017 13:14, Peter Uhnak wrote:
> Just curious... why don't you use MSE?

Because what we want to export is not composed only of entities
describes by Fame. We only reference some of them sometimes.

> Peter

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
On 17/05/2017 13:46, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

>> On 17 May 2017, at 12:44, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Cyril,
>> This can be done quite easily in STON, I will make you a small example and add it to the unit tests.
> ===
> Name: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.79
> Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
> Time: 17 May 2017, 1:43:03.944446 pm
> UUID: fb472e87-180c-0d00-b559-fec60aee7555
> Ancestors: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.78
> Add STONWriteReadTests>>#testKnownObjects as an example of how to serialize only an ID and resolve that ID upon materialization
> Add STONTestKnownObject with custom #stonOn: and class side #fromSton:
> ===
> You basically (over)write 2 methods, instance side
> "protocol: ston-core"
> stonOn: stonWriter
>   "We only write out our id"
>   stonWriter writeObject: self listSingleton: self id asString
> and class side
> "protocol: ston-core"
> fromSton: stonReader
>   ^ self fromId: stonReader parseListSingleton
> The #fromId: methods retrieves an existing instance.
> HTH,
> Sven
Hi Sven,

I do not want to keep all the KnowObjects in the memory. One of the goal
is to export from an image and to load from another.

The following does not work:

| obj string|
obj := STONTestKnownObject new description: 'something else'; yourself.
string := STON toStringPretty: obj.
STONTestKnownObject resetKnownObjects.
self assert: (STON fromString: string) description = 'something else'

What is the simple may to customize only one or two variable(s)?

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 14:15, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 13:46, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> On 17 May 2017, at 12:44, Sven Van Caekenberghe <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Cyril,
>>> This can be done quite easily in STON, I will make you a small example and add it to the unit tests.
>> ===
>> Name: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.79
>> Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe
>> Time: 17 May 2017, 1:43:03.944446 pm
>> UUID: fb472e87-180c-0d00-b559-fec60aee7555
>> Ancestors: STON-Tests-SvenVanCaekenberghe.78
>> Add STONWriteReadTests>>#testKnownObjects as an example of how to serialize only an ID and resolve that ID upon materialization
>> Add STONTestKnownObject with custom #stonOn: and class side #fromSton:
>> ===
>> You basically (over)write 2 methods, instance side
>> "protocol: ston-core"
>> stonOn: stonWriter
>>  "We only write out our id"
>>  stonWriter writeObject: self listSingleton: self id asString
>> and class side
>> "protocol: ston-core"
>> fromSton: stonReader
>>  ^ self fromId: stonReader parseListSingleton
>> The #fromId: methods retrieves an existing instance.
>> HTH,
>> Sven
> Hi Sven,
> I do not want to keep all the KnowObjects in the memory. One of the goal
> is to export from an image and to load from another.
> The following does not work:
> | obj string|
> obj := STONTestKnownObject new description: 'something else'; yourself.
> string := STON toStringPretty: obj.
> STONTestKnownObject resetKnownObjects.
> self assert: (STON fromString: string) description = 'something else'

Of course that does not work, it is your job to do something similar that fits your use case. You certainly do not have to cache everything.

On the other had, if you only serialise part of an object, or just one reference (id, url, name) like in the example, how will you recreate the rest, unless you have access to it ? And that is what your version of #fromId: should do.

I can't understand how your 'to export from an image and to load from another' can possibly work, unless there is some other way of sharing the data.

But I probably don't understand you, I known nothing about Moose models.

> What is the simple may to customize only one or two variable(s)?

> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 14:22, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> Of course that does not work, it is your job to do something similar that fits your use case. You certainly do not have to cache everything.
> On the other had, if you only serialise part of an object, or just one reference (id, url, name) like in the example, how will you recreate the rest, unless you have access to it ? And that is what your version of #fromId: should do.
> I can't understand how your 'to export from an image and to load from another' can possibly work, unless there is some other way of sharing the data.
> But I probably don't understand you, I known nothing about Moose models.

What I would like to know is if there is a simple way to customize the
export of only one or two of the variables. And let the other variables
be exported as usual.

I think I can do something like (I did not test but the spirit is here):

myObject class>>stonAllInstVarNames
        ^ super stonAllInstVarNames \ { #variableToCustomise }

myObject>>stonOn: stonWriter

  stonWriter writeObject: self streamMap: [ :dictionary |
    self class stonAllInstVarNames do: [ :each |
      (self instVarNamed: each)
        ifNotNil: [ :value | dictionary at: each asSymbol put: value ]
        ifNil: [ self stonShouldWriteNilInstVars ifTrue: [
          dictionary at: each asSymbol put: nil ] ] ].
    dictionary at: #variableToCustomize put: (self instVarNamed:
#variableToCustomize) asString. ]

myObject class>>fromSton: stonReader

  | obj |
  obj := super fromSton: stonReader.
  obj variableToCustomize: (UUID fromString: obj variableToCustomize)
  ^ obj

But this imply to rewrite inside #stonOn: a part of the code used in the
super stonOn: and I don't really like this in general.

So I wanted to know if there was a hook to customize certain variables
while exporting the other as usual.

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 14:38, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 14:22, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> Of course that does not work, it is your job to do something similar that fits your use case. You certainly do not have to cache everything.
>> On the other had, if you only serialise part of an object, or just one reference (id, url, name) like in the example, how will you recreate the rest, unless you have access to it ? And that is what your version of #fromId: should do.
>> I can't understand how your 'to export from an image and to load from another' can possibly work, unless there is some other way of sharing the data.
>> But I probably don't understand you, I known nothing about Moose models.
> What I would like to know is if there is a simple way to customize the
> export of only one or two of the variables. And let the other variables
> be exported as usual.

The use of #stonAllInstVarNames works in limiting what you write out (there is even a unit test based on STONTestUser3).

But you seem to want to do something else, you want to write the others ones out in a different way.

What I tried to explain is that that is generally not needed, if you customise the value of #variableToCustomise (that is one level deeper). This is what I did in the example.

Since you can't or won't explain your use case better, I really can't help, can I ?

> I think I can do something like (I did not test but the spirit is here):
> myObject class>>stonAllInstVarNames
> ^ super stonAllInstVarNames \ { #variableToCustomise }
> myObject>>stonOn: stonWriter
>  stonWriter writeObject: self streamMap: [ :dictionary |
>    self class stonAllInstVarNames do: [ :each |
>      (self instVarNamed: each)
>        ifNotNil: [ :value | dictionary at: each asSymbol put: value ]
>        ifNil: [ self stonShouldWriteNilInstVars ifTrue: [
>          dictionary at: each asSymbol put: nil ] ] ].
>    dictionary at: #variableToCustomize put: (self instVarNamed:
> #variableToCustomize) asString. ]
> myObject class>>fromSton: stonReader
>  | obj |
>  obj := super fromSton: stonReader.
>  obj variableToCustomize: (UUID fromString: obj variableToCustomize)
>  ^ obj
> But this imply to rewrite inside #stonOn: a part of the code used in the
> super stonOn: and I don't really like this in general.
> So I wanted to know if there was a hook to customize certain variables
> while exporting the other as usual.
> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 14:55, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> The use of #stonAllInstVarNames works in limiting what you write out (there is even a unit test based on STONTestUser3).
> But you seem to want to do something else, you want to write the others ones out in a different way.
> What I tried to explain is that that is generally not needed, if you customise the value of #variableToCustomise (that is one level deeper). This is what I did in the example.
> Since you can't or won't explain your use case better, I really can't help, can I ?
I don't really have the time right now but later I'll try to write a
simple example.

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 15:11, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 14:55, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> The use of #stonAllInstVarNames works in limiting what you write out (there is even a unit test based on STONTestUser3).
>> But you seem to want to do something else, you want to write the others ones out in a different way.
>> What I tried to explain is that that is generally not needed, if you customise the value of #variableToCustomise (that is one level deeper). This is what I did in the example.
>> Since you can't or won't explain your use case better, I really can't help, can I ?
> I don't really have the time right now but later I'll try to write a
> simple example.


But don't go too far in writing actual code. I want to understand the use case at a high level (like how you started), then I can try to find how/if STON can do what you want. Right now, you are already too deep into a possible solution.

> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 15:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
> OK.
> But don't go too far in writing actual code. I want to understand the use case at a high level (like how you started), then I can try to find how/if STON can do what you want. Right now, you are already too deep into a possible solution.

If I have to give a really simple use case.

Imagine an invoice.

The invoice has the name of the customer and the currency used as a class.

During the export of the invoice you do not want to export the currency
as a class but as a String.

So if I have an Invoice instance like this:

username: 'user'
currency: Currency[Euro]

I want to transform the currency to a string during the export. (and
keep the username as strings).


Invoice {
        #username : 'user',
        #currency : 'eur'

Instead of:

Invoice {
        #username : 'user',
        #currency : Currency {
                                #unit: 'Euro'

Then during the import I want to transform the currency into a class
again. (For example `Currency fromAbbreviation: stonInput`).

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 15:47, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 15:17, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> OK.
>> But don't go too far in writing actual code. I want to understand the use case at a high level (like how you started), then I can try to find how/if STON can do what you want. Right now, you are already too deep into a possible solution.
> If I have to give a really simple use case.
> Imagine an invoice.
> The invoice has the name of the customer and the currency used as a class.
> During the export of the invoice you do not want to export the currency
> as a class but as a String.
> So if I have an Invoice instance like this:
> username: 'user'
> currency: Currency[Euro]
> I want to transform the currency to a string during the export. (and
> keep the username as strings).
> Result:
> Invoice {
> #username : 'user',
> #currency : 'eur'
> }
> Instead of:
> Invoice {
> #username : 'user',
> #currency : Currency {
> #unit: 'Euro'
> }
> }
> Then during the import I want to transform the currency into a class
> again. (For example `Currency fromAbbreviation: stonInput`).

OK, that is an understandable example.

But why exactly do you want Currency to be serialised differently ? You don't want too many instances ? You want all instances to be #== ? Is Currency too big ? You want to allow humans to edit the STON file ? What ? Why ?

You can easily make it Currency['Euro'] or even Currency[#Euro] like it is already done for a number of built-in classes.

The last example that I gave solved the 'too many instances', make them #== issue.

If it is size, that got covered too, but you must solve the problem of how the receiving end will resolve the reference then.

But since that is all no good, there must still be another requirement.

> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 16:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> OK, that is an understandable example.
> But why exactly do you want Currency to be serialised differently ? You don't want too many instances ? You want all instances to be #== ? Is Currency too big ? You want to allow humans to edit the STON file ? What ? Why ?
> You can easily make it Currency['Euro'] or even Currency[#Euro] like it is already done for a number of built-in classes.
> The last example that I gave solved the 'too many instances', make them #== issue.
> If it is size, that got covered too, but you must solve the problem of how the receiving end will resolve the reference then.
> But since that is all no good, there must still be another requirement.
Here it is a simple example to show what I want.

The real use case is that in Moose, entities are really connected to
their model, and if one of our classes contains an entity it would
produce a really really really big ston file since it would export
millions of entities.

But there is a way to retrieve an entity of this model from its moose name.

Thus, I would like to export only the moose name of the entities, then
get the corresponding entity from a Model the user would have load
before during the ston reading.


Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 16:15, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 16:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> OK, that is an understandable example.
>> But why exactly do you want Currency to be serialised differently ? You don't want too many instances ? You want all instances to be #== ? Is Currency too big ? You want to allow humans to edit the STON file ? What ? Why ?
>> You can easily make it Currency['Euro'] or even Currency[#Euro] like it is already done for a number of built-in classes.
>> The last example that I gave solved the 'too many instances', make them #== issue.
>> If it is size, that got covered too, but you must solve the problem of how the receiving end will resolve the reference then.
>> But since that is all no good, there must still be another requirement.
> Here it is a simple example to show what I want.
> The real use case is that in Moose, entities are really connected to
> their model, and if one of our classes contains an entity it would
> produce a really really really big ston file since it would export
> millions of entities.
> But there is a way to retrieve an entity of this model from its moose name.
> Thus, I would like to export only the moose name of the entities, then
> get the corresponding entity from a Model the user would have load
> before during the ston reading.


So there is some existing method that gives you the entity given its name ?

  MooseEntity class>>fromEntityName: 'mooseEntityName'

Right ?

So why can't you use the example that I gave you earlier, replace the UUID string with the mooseEntityName string, and call the above method instead of the #fromId: in my example ?

In STON, you will then see


as value.

> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 16:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> OK.
> So there is some existing method that gives you the entity given its name ?
>   MooseEntity class>>fromEntityName: 'mooseEntityName'
> Right ?
> So why can't you use the example that I gave you earlier, replace the UUID string with the mooseEntityName string, and call the above method instead of the #fromId: in my example ?
> In STON, you will then see
>   MooseEntity['mooseEntityName']
> as value.
But it would not export/import all the other variables no?


Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2

> On 17 May 2017, at 16:27, Cyril Ferlicot D. <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On 17/05/2017 16:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> OK.
>> So there is some existing method that gives you the entity given its name ?
>>  MooseEntity class>>fromEntityName: 'mooseEntityName'
>> Right ?
>> So why can't you use the example that I gave you earlier, replace the UUID string with the mooseEntityName string, and call the above method instead of the #fromId: in my example ?
>> In STON, you will then see
>>  MooseEntity['mooseEntityName']
>> as value.
> But it would not export/import all the other variables no?

You change the representation of MooseEntity to the above short form, then you just use MooseEntity instances inside other objects. All other instance variables of MooseEntity will be skipped.

Just like Date, Time, or DateAndTime have short representations, that you see when you include these as values inside other objects.

We must be talking about something different because I really don't see the problem.

> --
> Cyril Ferlicot
> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

On 17/05/2017 16:33, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:

> You change the representation of MooseEntity to the above short form, then you just use MooseEntity instances inside other objects. All other instance variables of MooseEntity will be skipped.
> Just like Date, Time, or DateAndTime have short representations, that you see when you include these as values inside other objects.
> We must be talking about something different because I really don't see the problem.
Now I see why I did not understood.

I wanted the container to change his variables containing the moose
entities. So I though that you talked about the container of the
MooseEntity and not about the moose entity itself.

For now I wanted to avoid modifying the ston properties of MooseEntity
because we have other ston exporters that export some of them with hacks
and I did not wanted to update all of them at the same time. (It risk to
break some features and we try to stabilize our tools)

But I think I will need to do it.

Cyril Ferlicot
2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2
In reply to this post by CyrilFerlicot

Thanks for this interesting conversation. I had some similar problem
with Grafoscopio notebooks being to big when I run the default
serializer because it puts data about the Text object and some other
info about runs. What I did was to flat the tree to contain only the
info I need. I solved this with two methods (listed below). Maybe this
can be helpful:

GrafoscopioNotebook>>exportAsSton: aNotebook on: aFileStream
     | stonPrettyString |
     aNotebook flatten.
     stonPrettyString := String streamContents: [ :stream |
         (STON writer on: stream)
             newLine: String crlf;
               prettyPrint: true;
             keepNewLines: true;
               nextPut: aNotebook children].
     aFileStream nextPutAll: stonPrettyString

     "I traverse the tree looking for node bodies containing 'Text'
objects and transform them to
     their string content, so space is saved and storage format is DVCS
friendly while serializing
     them to STON"

     (self preorderTraversal) do: [ :eachNode |
             (eachNode body class = Text)
                 ifTrue: [eachNode body: (eachNode body asString)]]



On 17/05/17 09:15, Cyril Ferlicot D. wrote:

> On 17/05/2017 16:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>> OK, that is an understandable example.
>> But why exactly do you want Currency to be serialised differently ? You don't want too many instances ? You want all instances to be #== ? Is Currency too big ? You want to allow humans to edit the STON file ? What ? Why ?
>> You can easily make it Currency['Euro'] or even Currency[#Euro] like it is already done for a number of built-in classes.
>> The last example that I gave solved the 'too many instances', make them #== issue.
>> If it is size, that got covered too, but you must solve the problem of how the receiving end will resolve the reference then.
>> But since that is all no good, there must still be another requirement.
> Here it is a simple example to show what I want.
> The real use case is that in Moose, entities are really connected to
> their model, and if one of our classes contains an entity it would
> produce a really really really big ston file since it would export
> millions of entities.
> But there is a way to retrieve an entity of this model from its moose name.
> Thus, I would like to export only the moose name of the entities, then
> get the corresponding entity from a Model the user would have load
> before during the ston reading.

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Re: Ston feature idea?

Stephane Ducasse-3
would be nice to collect all these tips and tricks for STON.

On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks for this interesting conversation. I had some similar problem with Grafoscopio notebooks being to big when I run the default serializer because it puts data about the Text object and some other info about runs. What I did was to flat the tree to contain only the info I need. I solved this with two methods (listed below). Maybe this can be helpful:

GrafoscopioNotebook>>exportAsSton: aNotebook on: aFileStream
    | stonPrettyString |
    aNotebook flatten.
    stonPrettyString := String streamContents: [ :stream |
        (STON writer on: stream)
            newLine: String crlf;
              prettyPrint: true;
            keepNewLines: true;
              nextPut: aNotebook children].
    aFileStream nextPutAll: stonPrettyString

    "I traverse the tree looking for node bodies containing 'Text' objects and transform them to
    their string content, so space is saved and storage format is DVCS friendly while serializing
    them to STON"

    (self preorderTraversal) do: [ :eachNode |
            (eachNode body class = Text)
                ifTrue: [eachNode body: (eachNode body asString)]]



On 17/05/17 09:15, Cyril Ferlicot D. wrote:
On 17/05/2017 16:02, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
OK, that is an understandable example.

But why exactly do you want Currency to be serialised differently ? You don't want too many instances ? You want all instances to be #== ? Is Currency too big ? You want to allow humans to edit the STON file ? What ? Why ?

You can easily make it Currency['Euro'] or even Currency[#Euro] like it is already done for a number of built-in classes.

The last example that I gave solved the 'too many instances', make them #== issue.

If it is size, that got covered too, but you must solve the problem of how the receiving end will resolve the reference then.

But since that is all no good, there must still be another requirement.
Here it is a simple example to show what I want.

The real use case is that in Moose, entities are really connected to
their model, and if one of our classes contains an entity it would
produce a really really really big ston file since it would export
millions of entities.

But there is a way to retrieve an entity of this model from its moose name.

Thus, I would like to export only the moose name of the entities, then
get the corresponding entity from a Model the user would have load
before during the ston reading.