Store Replication fails

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Store Replication fails

Richard Wettel-2

I am trying to replicate an entire bundle from one store database to  
The problem is that when the replication encounters one of the  
packages of the system it throws an exception.

It seems that for one of the Store.Package objects that make up my  
system, inside method addProperties:mergeData:
self getTrace gets evaluated to nil, although the guard clause  
hasTrace returns true.

I first tried using the contextual popup menu (Replicate->From... and  
Replicate->To...) on the bundle in the System Browser and managed to  
replicate 9 versions of the system before the exception popped up.
Then I tried to use the UI (Replicate store to... from the Store menu)  
and it stops at the same package.

I used Store Replication 1.33 from the Cincom store.

Has anybody an idea why would this happen?
I'll appreciate any suggestions, even a workaround to avoid  
replicating that particular version (there are about 190 versions of  
the system and a missing one would not make a big difference).

Richard Wettel

P.S. Could anybody explain me the purpose of the two "Add packages for  
bundles" checkboxes in the Replication UI? I thought that replicating  
a bundle means replicating all the packages defined in it, doesn't it?

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Re: Store Replication fails

Alan Knight-2
I'm guessing that this means there's something not quite valid in your source database, that the package has a non-null trace foreign key, but it doesn't resolve to a package.

But I'd suggest using the StoreGlorp replicator instead, which you can find in the StoreForGlorpVWUI parcel in the distribution, or loading the StoreGlorp bundle in the public repository. It will then appears as an item in the Store menu on the launcher. That one can be significantly faster and is more actively maintained.

At 08:33 AM 2/12/2008, Richard Wettel wrote:

I am trying to replicate an entire bundle from one store database to 
The problem is that when the replication encounters one of the 
packages of the system it throws an exception.

It seems that for one of the Store.Package objects that make up my 
system, inside method addProperties:mergeData:
self getTrace gets evaluated to nil, although the guard clause 
hasTrace returns true.

I first tried using the contextual popup menu (Replicate->From... and 
Replicate->To...) on the bundle in the System Browser and managed to 
replicate 9 versions of the system before the exception popped up.
Then I tried to use the UI (Replicate store to... from the Store menu) 
and it stops at the same package.

I used Store Replication 1.33 from the Cincom store.

Has anybody an idea why would this happen?
I'll appreciate any suggestions, even a workaround to avoid 
replicating that particular version (there are about 190 versions of 
the system and a missing one would not make a big difference).

Richard Wettel

P.S. Could anybody explain me the purpose of the two "Add packages for 
bundles" checkboxes in the Replication UI? I thought that replicating 
a bundle means replicating all the packages defined in it, doesn't it?

Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development
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Re: Store Replication fails

Richard Wettel-2
You are right. Using the parcel in the distribution did the trick.
Thank you, Alan.

Richard Wettel

On Feb 12, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Alan Knight wrote:

I'm guessing that this means there's something not quite valid in your source database, that the package has a non-null trace foreign key, but it doesn't resolve to a package.

But I'd suggest using the StoreGlorp replicator instead, which you can find in the StoreForGlorpVWUI parcel in the distribution, or loading the StoreGlorp bundle in the public repository. It will then appears as an item in the Store menu on the launcher. That one can be significantly faster and is more actively maintained.

At 08:33 AM 2/12/2008, Richard Wettel wrote:

I am trying to replicate an entire bundle from one store database to 
The problem is that when the replication encounters one of the 
packages of the system it throws an exception.

It seems that for one of the Store.Package objects that make up my 
system, inside method addProperties:mergeData:
self getTrace gets evaluated to nil, although the guard clause 
hasTrace returns true.

I first tried using the contextual popup menu (Replicate->From... and 
Replicate->To...) on the bundle in the System Browser and managed to 
replicate 9 versions of the system before the exception popped up.
Then I tried to use the UI (Replicate store to... from the Store menu) 
and it stops at the same package.

I used Store Replication 1.33 from the Cincom store.

Has anybody an idea why would this happen?
I'll appreciate any suggestions, even a workaround to avoid 
replicating that particular version (there are about 190 versions of 
the system and a missing one would not make a big difference).

Richard Wettel

P.S. Could anybody explain me the purpose of the two "Add packages for 
bundles" checkboxes in the Replication UI? I thought that replicating 
a bundle means replicating all the packages defined in it, doesn't it?

Alan Knight [|], Cincom Smalltalk Development