> Our application runs on 32 and 64 bit (in 32 bit mode) windows and 32
> and 64 bit linux. I'm starting to have some problems keeping thing
> straight. There are some differences between the 64 bit Linux and the
> rest of the platforms. I know nothing about store. Does store support
> different machines accessing a common Store DB. Can it keep track of
> the diiferences required by the 64-Linux but have the other 99.9% of
> the code common between all the platforms?
Store itself would only require that the Database drivers you use in your OS be 64 bit. For PostGreSQL which uses sockets, this shouldn't be an issue, since it uses the OS's socket layer.
As for the rest of Store, it doesn't do anything 64 bit-ish.
> Sorry for the newbie questions.
NEVER a problem!
And So It Goes
Samuel S. Shuster [|]
VisualWorks Engineering, Store Project
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