Stores WaitWhile Interface

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Stores WaitWhile Interface

Maarten Mostert-2
Store has some interesting waitWhile:   UI feateres.
Does anyone know where this is hidden in the system and give me some hints how to use it ?

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Re: Stores WaitWhile Interface

Henrik Sperre Johansen
On 07.03.2010 12:22, Maarten MOSTERT wrote:
Store has some interesting waitWhile:   UI feateres.
Does anyone know where this is hidden in the system and give me some hints how to use it ?

Do you mean the loading pop-overs?

In that case, (in an ApplicationModel) you do:
 Store.StoreProgressOverlay subsume: self builder window
                while: myWorkBlock

then in myWorkBlock, you announce progress like this:

Store.StoreWorkActivity notifications
        announce: (Store.Loading for: ((Store.Record new)
                        name: mainString;
                        version: inBracesString;

Obviously this was made specifically for Store, tbh I'd appreciate if it were abstracted in 7.8, as I've also found it a nice improvement over other progress indicators previously used in the app, where a good remaining/total progress is hard to calculate :)


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Re: Stores WaitWhile Interface

Maarten Mostert-2
Thanks this works perfectly.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [vwnc] Stores WaitWhile Interface

On 07.03.2010 12:22, Maarten MOSTERT wrote:
Store has some interesting waitWhile:   UI feateres.
Does anyone know where this is hidden in the system and give me some hints how to use it ?

Do you mean the loading pop-overs?

In that case, (in an ApplicationModel) you do:
 Store.StoreProgressOverlay subsume: self builder window
                while: myWorkBlock

then in myWorkBlock, you announce progress like this:

Store.StoreWorkActivity notifications
        announce: (Store.Loading for: ((Store.Record new)
                        name: mainString;
                        version: inBracesString;

Obviously this was made specifically for Store, tbh I'd appreciate if it were abstracted in 7.8, as I've also found it a nice improvement over other progress indicators previously used in the app, where a good remaining/total progress is hard to calculate :)


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Re: Stores WaitWhile Interface

Travis Griggs-3
In reply to this post by Henrik Sperre Johansen

On Mar 7, 2010, at 5:20 AM, Henrik Sperre Johansen wrote:

> Obviously this was made specifically for Store, tbh I'd appreciate  
> if it were abstracted in 7.8, as I've also found it a nice  
> improvement over other progress indicators previously used in the  
> app, where a good remaining/total progress is hard to calculate :)

This was mentioned internally as well the other day, so I'll take I  
crack at a public response.

The short answer is No, but kind of Yes (not necessarily 7.8, but  
hopefully sometime).

The reason there won't be a general purpose one of these is in the  
first line of your text: "...this was made specifically for Store."  
This is so true. I spent a bit of time, designing and iterating to  
make this just right for Store. Whether I actually succeeded or not  
isn't really the point, but rather that an attempt to hone it for the  
problem at hand was made. UI's tell stories, and providing good  
feedback is a part of the story they tell. In the case of the Store  
overlay, it has two independent text parts (the target component, and  
the verb), with placement and colors specifically chosen to try and  
keep them in proper relationship to each other. The spinner is  
designed to spin under certain conditions and to actually pause in  
others. The placement at the top and darkening of the underlying  
window was specific, it had to be done in such a way that it could fit  
on top of any IDE window (whereas some UIs might be able to provide  
more concise placement and offsetting techniques to make them fit  
better with the host app). All these things make it an ill fit for a  
general purpose abstraction. Any "one size fits all" progress  
indicator is doomed to be subpar, because it won't dovetail with the  
host application well.

Where's the Yes then?

What it should be easy to do, is to quickly/easily compose feedback  
visualization. And those pieces that we might compose them from ARE  
candidates for general purpose abstraction. Here's a couple of those  

Overlay Technique
- The process where we smack a full window view over what's there to  
screen out other UI events, and to make it so you can easily program  
the composition of them. We're trying to simplify the whole wrapper/
container/component linkage so that snapping views into and out of the  
view tree is simpler. We're getting there. But it's tricky/slow going  
because of the immense backwards compatibility pressure.

Easy Composability
Snapping views together, is made easier by the StoreProgressOverlay  
superclass (Panel). Panel's a work in progress, but it does make the  
kind of thing where we consume the whole view and have the top, but  
inset, edge aligned rectangle for the progress information pretty  
easy. Most of the newer widgets in the IDE (BundleContentsView,  
PrerequisiteExplorerView, the various StoreProgress components), are  
all done with Panels.

Easy Animation
- The ProcessHealthView blatantly ripped off from ExtraActivity. When  
I developed it, I loaded EA, made it do what I want, then cloned the  
behavior that I needed over, to avoid conflicts/dependency on EA. At  
some point, we really need to implement/integrate something that  
provides what EA does.

When doing feedback, you have to instrument your process somehow.  
Sometimes you can push the information. Sometimes you only want to  
make sure there's enough data available to a watching process to  
determine what it must. In all cases, you want to keep this  
instrumentation as lightweight as possible. Your instrumentation is  
basically a violation of separating model from presentation, so you  
keep it as loosely coupled as possible. Announcements are the  
preferred way when you are in a position where you'll be "pushing" the  
instrumentation for consumption.

The point is, I'd like it to become easy for any application developer  
to assemble feedback stuff that is well tuned to the problem at hand  
in obvious and simple ways.

Travis Griggs
"You A students, you'll be back soon teaching here with me. You B  
students, you'll actually go on to be real engineers. You C students,  
you'll go into management and tell the A and B students what to do." -  
My Fluid Dynamics Professor whom I have yet to disprove

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