Strange behavior of TCP/IP subapplication

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Strange behavior of TCP/IP subapplication

Hi all!

I am new in Smalltalk and even any other programming languages. The reason I looked at Smalltalk is its absolutely cool and even killing syntax. And the best way to study a language is to start program in it - and I started.

The problem is that when some class calls a method in another non-visual part with the aim to create a tcp/ip connection I got an error as in the picture. I founded out that the error appears only when I call this method from the modifyVerify callback. When this method is called from self class or another part out of the callback function, it works as expected and without any bugs. And it seems the problem is with 'AbtSemaphore wait' statement.

Searched the documentation but nothing helpful found. Any ideas how to resolve this "strange behavior"? Use VA Smalltalk 8.6.2.


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Re: Strange behavior of TCP/IP subapplication

John O'Keefe-3
Hello Sergei -

What you are seeing is expected behavior. In VA Smalltalk you are not allowed to do a wait in a callback. Doing so would deadlock the system.


On Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 4:58:37 PM UTC-5, [hidden email] wrote:
Hi all!

I am new in Smalltalk and even any other programming languages. The reason I looked at Smalltalk is its absolutely cool and even killing syntax. And the best way to study a language is to start program in it - and I started.

The problem is that when some class calls a method in another non-visual part with the aim to create a tcp/ip connection I got an error as in the picture. I founded out that the error appears only when I call this method from the modifyVerify callback. When this method is called from self class or another part out of the callback function, it works as expected and without any bugs. And it seems the problem is with 'AbtSemaphore wait' statement.

Searched the documentation but nothing helpful found. Any ideas how to resolve this "strange behavior"? Use VA Smalltalk 8.6.2.


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Re: Strange behavior of TCP/IP subapplication

Hello John!

Thank you for the answer. I`m glad to know this is an expected behavior. And it means I have to redesign some part of the code... It`s so hard for newbie...

среда, 11 января 2017 г., 20:47:30 UTC+3 пользователь John O'Keefe написал:
Hello Sergei -

What you are seeing is expected behavior. In VA Smalltalk you are not allowed to do a wait in a callback. Doing so would deadlock the system.


On Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 4:58:37 PM UTC-5, <a href="javascript:" target="_blank" gdf-obfuscated-mailto="v3tsi-9yFQAJ" rel="nofollow" onmousedown="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;" onclick="this.href=&#39;javascript:&#39;;return true;">ipstools...@... wrote:
Hi all!

I am new in Smalltalk and even any other programming languages. The reason I looked at Smalltalk is its absolutely cool and even killing syntax. And the best way to study a language is to start program in it - and I started.

The problem is that when some class calls a method in another non-visual part with the aim to create a tcp/ip connection I got an error as in the picture. I founded out that the error appears only when I call this method from the modifyVerify callback. When this method is called from self class or another part out of the callback function, it works as expected and without any bugs. And it seems the problem is with 'AbtSemaphore wait' statement.

Searched the documentation but nothing helpful found. Any ideas how to resolve this "strange behavior"? Use VA Smalltalk 8.6.2.


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