Strange effect in stripping

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Strange effect in stripping

Peter Kenny-2
Hello All

I have just had to run the Lagoon stripper several times (due to my own
stupidity - problem now resolved), and I noticed a strange effect. During
the final stages (after the blue one-line message has appeared), the icon in
my system tray which shows the connection to my broadband modem changed to
show no connection. A couple of seconds after the stripper exited the icon
returned to normal. The connection did appear to be broken, because on a few
of the runs the timed update of my e-mail and this newsgroup failed. Is this
a known effect, or an indication of some problem?

Any help or reassurance gratefully received.

Best wishes

Peter Kenny

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Re: Strange effect in stripping

Chris Uppal-3

> I have just had to run the Lagoon stripper several times (due to my own
> stupidity - problem now resolved), and I noticed a strange effect. During
> the final stages (after the blue one-line message has appeared), the icon
> in my system tray which shows the connection to my broadband modem
> changed to show no connection.

That is peculiar :-)

This is only a guess, but maybe the way that Dolphin consumes 100% CPU during
most phases of stripping is preventing a low priority polling thread from
confirming that your network connection is still up.  Or it may even be that
the software which talks to your modem is not getting a look in.

Easy enoguh to test....

    -- chris