Streams - a first draft

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Streams - a first draft

Schwab,Wilhelm K
Hello all,

Dolphin's streams signal errors on exhaustion, with a few clear exceptions.  I quickly learned to appreciate the clarity.  If I tell a stream to read 10 bytes, there is probably a reason for it, and I might want to be alerted if there are not that many bytes remaining, or in the case of a socket, I might want it to wait until there are that many or until the connection is broken.  If a file cannot be opened, I want to know then, rather than after the offending method has returned and I have to hunt down what went wrong.

What is you want at most ten bytes?  There is a way to get that: #nextAvailable:.  It and friends offer clear permission from you the programmer to the computer to truncate and return.  This approach sometimes requires an #atEnd check or two, but it is worth the effort.  I have described the problems and solutions here:

#next is not portable, and is IMHO just plain broken on Squeak, Pharo, and VW.  #next: does not work as advertised on some platforms.  But there is nothing to stop me (and you) from writing code in terms of selectors such as #nextOne and #nextMany:.  It is some extra typing, but it can be done now: I've been doing it the entire time I have made serious use of Pharo.  I am *STILL* finding places in which file streams do annoying things (such as prompting "the user" on my server [argggggg!!!!!!<g>], but I will eventually identify them and code around them.

Consider this preliminary, but here is some code:


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