On 26-Jun-06, at 1:10 PM, Boris Popov wrote:
> Its me again with my never-ending stream of questions. I wonder how do
> people go about stress-testing their Seaside applications? One tool
> I've
> used extensively in the past is Paessler's Webserver Stress Tool
> (
http://www.paessler.com/webstress), but its based on recording
> URLs and
> form posts, which in case of Seaside don't stay the same between
> runs. Any
> suggestions would be appreciated.
When doing some Seaside work for UBC, Julian and I used http://
www.radview.com/products/WebLOAD.asp -- it uses a similar approach,
recording actions and playing them back, but takes enough information
into account to be useful with Seaside. The biggest issue is price:
it's quite expensive -- there's no way we would have used it if UBC
didn't already happen to have a license..
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