String widgets for GUIs built using ToolBuilder

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String widgets for GUIs built using ToolBuilder

Ralph Boland
I originally posted this on Squeak-Dev but I didn't get a response so I am
hoping someone on this list can help.  I will release the code I am working on
to  SqueakSource.  I assume it will work in Pharo as well.  If it doesn't let
me know and I will clean up the problems.

I am trying to subclass TestBuilder (SUnitGUI) for my own testing facility.
TestBuilder builds a GUI using  ToolBuilder and I am trying to build my
GUI using ToolBuilder as well.  I need to use an input field and want to
add a StringMorph like widget to label the input field.  The only way I can
see to do this using ToolBuilder is to use another input field for my
input field label string. There has to be a better, standard, way of doing this.
Can someone tell me what the standard way, or some reasonable way,
of labeling my input field is when using ToolBuilder?


Ralph Boland

Had a wife and kids in Florida, Jack (Nicklaus)
Went out for a "ride" but I couldn't get back
As a ten timer being hunted down
When the wife found out who I was knowing (biblically speaking)
I hit a hydrant and I just kept going (till I hit a tree).

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Re: String widgets for GUIs built using ToolBuilder

Lukas Renggli
> input field label string. There has to be a better, standard, way of doing this.
> Can someone tell me what the standard way, or some reasonable way,
> of labeling my input field is when using ToolBuilder?

I don't exactly understand what you want to do?

ToolBuilder provides an abstraction over Morphic. It simplifies the
whole interface, but also hides many possibilities that you would have
using Morphic directly. Especially now that in Pharo you have a nice
and much more powerful interface to build Morphic GUIs through
"UITheme current" I would suggest that you use this one.


Lukas Renggli

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