When writing Strings to a GOODS database using Sebastián Sastre's GOODS
I'm observing some puzzling behavoir. Evaluate the code below and observe
that the class is KKObjectProxy. Now change the number 209 to 20. And try
again. This time the class should be String. I'm not sure if the numbers,
20, 209 etc are specific to my particular machine, but I'm quite sure that
once you "discover" the right numbers you can reproduce it. Seems this is
not happening with Avi Bryant's original code. Anyone have any idea what's
happening? Thanks.
stream := String writeStream.
1 to: 209 do: [:x | stream nextPut: $y].
s := stream contents.
list := OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 20 do: [:x | list add: s].
db2 root at: #abc put: list.
db2 commit.
db2 := KKDatabase onHost: 'localhost' port: 6104.
(db2 root at: #abc) first inspect