Stupid Smalltalk question...

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Stupid Smalltalk question...

Rick Flower
Hi all..

I've had this problem before and don't know how to get
around it easily -- perhaps something I'm missing..
I've got a class that inherits from a Seaside class
(WASystemConfiguration) and has a method #attributes
that I'd like to get rid of.. However, the browser
wants to get rid of all 174 occurrences that span
other classes instead of just removing my one method
and leaving the others alone.. I tried browsing all
of the 174 instances but don't see how to do this..
What am I missing?

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Re: Stupid Smalltalk question...

Travis Griggs-3

On May 13, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Rick Flower wrote:

> Hi all..
> I've had this problem before and don't know how to get
> around it easily -- perhaps something I'm missing..
> I've got a class that inherits from a Seaside class
> (WASystemConfiguration) and has a method #attributes
> that I'd like to get rid of.. However, the browser
> wants to get rid of all 174 occurrences that span
> other classes instead of just removing my one method
> and leaving the others alone.. I tried browsing all
> of the 174 instances but don't see how to do this..
> What am I missing?

Are you sure it's not simply confirming that you want to remove the  
method, even tho there are 174 _references_ (i.e. senders) to that  

Travis Griggs
"Some people are like slinkies, not really good for much, but they can  
bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."

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Re: Stupid Smalltalk question...

Mark Pirogovsky-3
In reply to this post by Rick Flower
Try something like this in the workspace:

WASystemConfiguration removeSelector: #attributes


Rick Flower wrote:

> I've had this problem before and don't know how to get
> around it easily -- perhaps something I'm missing..
> I've got a class that inherits from a Seaside class
> (WASystemConfiguration) and has a method #attributes
> that I'd like to get rid of.. However, the browser
> wants to get rid of all 174 occurrences that span
> other classes instead of just removing my one method
> and leaving the others alone.. I tried browsing all
> of the 174 instances but don't see how to do this..
> What am I missing?

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Re: Stupid Smalltalk question...

Rick Flower
In reply to this post by Travis Griggs-3
On Thu, 13 May 2010 21:42:05 -0700, Travis Griggs <[hidden email]>
> Are you sure it's not simply confirming that you want to remove the  
> method, even tho there are 174 _references_ (i.e. senders) to that  
> method?

Thanks Travis/David.. Both of you are spot on.. I was worried based
on the wording the browser gave me.. I think some better verbiage
would reduce confusion for those of us that not long term
smalltalkers.. IMHO..

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Re: Stupid Smalltalk question...

Niall Ross
Dear Rick,

>On Thu, 13 May 2010 21:42:05 -0700, Travis Griggs <[hidden email]>
>>Are you sure it's not simply confirming that you want to remove the  
>>method, even tho there are 174 _references_ (i.e. senders) to that  
>Thanks Travis/David.. Both of you are spot on.. I was worried based
>on the wording the browser gave me.. I think some better verbiage
>would reduce confusion for those of us that not long term
>smalltalkers.. IMHO..
1) Possible revised message:

    174 senders call this or another of the 26 implementors of
    Do you want to proceed?

       Yes      Browse References      No

More helpful?  (Compare the message you get when renaming a
multiply-implemented method.)

2) I keep meaning to extend the RBDynamicRenaming utility to handle
dynamic removing.  It will not happen for 7.7.1 but I may get around to
it.  (Meanwhile, of course, the coverage tool can let you see whether it
is called, and if so by whom, during some test or exercise of the code.)

          Yours faithfully
             Niall Ross

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Re: Stupid Smalltalk question...

Rick Flower
On Fri, 14 May 2010 14:52:02 +0100, Niall Ross <[hidden email]>

> 1) Possible revised message:
>     174 senders call this or another of the 26 implementors of
>        #attributes
>     Do you want to proceed?
>        Yes      Browse References      No


That sounds much better!!  Thanks if you can weasel that in at
some point!  I know it won't make a lick of difference for most
Smalltalk veterans but it will help for the newbies like me out
there!!  Thanks!
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