I'm experiencing an issue when using whileFalse:, in Pharo 4. I've just looking for opened bugs in pharo.fogbugz.com but I don't see any matching my problem, apparently. In the following example, I get a SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0. Object subclass: #WhileFalseIssue instanceVariableNames: 'myFlag' classVariableNames: '' category: 'MyTests' WhileFalseIssue>>attemptUninitialized [ myFlag ] whileFalse: [myFlag := true ]. ^ myFlag. WhileFalseIssue>>attemptInitialized myFlag := false. [ myFlag ] whileFalse: [myFlag := true ]. ^ myFlag. Calling attempt like this:
WhileFalseIssue new attemptUninitialized. launches the debugger with "SubscriptOutOfBounds: 0" (see attached screenshot), whereas
WhileFalseIssue new attemptInitialized. works fine. Should I file in a bug in fogbugz? I will try with Pharo 5. Kind regards, Jose.