Sugestion: Offer "must not strip" as a suggested method category for methods in "unreferenced selectors"

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Sugestion: Offer "must not strip" as a suggested method category for methods in "unreferenced selectors"

Christopher J. Demers
I would like to suggest offering "must not strip" as a suggested method
category for methods in the "unreferenced selectors" pseudo-category.  This
would make it quicker to categorize methods that are being wrongly stripped
from a deployed image.


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Re: Sugestion: Offer "must not strip" as a suggested method category for methods in "unreferenced selectors"

Blair McGlashan
"Christopher J. Demers" <[hidden email]> wrote in
message news:b40trh$1qq0tg$[hidden email]...
> I would like to suggest offering "must not strip" as a suggested method
> category for methods in the "unreferenced selectors" pseudo-category.
> would make it quicker to categorize methods that are being wrongly
> from a deployed image.

Good idea Chris, thanks.
