Suggestions for future update.
One thing I found is that anytime a new window is opened (VC, Resource
Browser, Workspace etc), they get cascaded over other windows. Some
windows I like to size large (like VC). But everytime I open a new
one, it is always off the screen, so I have to keep moving it or
maximizing it. Is there anyway to have an option for remembering the
position of the window as well as the extent? Similar to "Remember
this size" have another one to either "Remember this position" or
"Always open centered" option.
For consistency the VC's File/Close menu selection should be as the
last item AND really close the VC window.
Also, it would be nice if the Resource Browser could either be docked
and stay on top or at least open up in the same position. In addition
there should be a Close menu option.