The vast majority of example methods follow a consistent naming pattern where
the word 'example' starts the method name. There's a handful that don't.
The advantage of this approach is that all the examples appear together in
the browser list of methods.
I suggest that these methods be renamed:
BorderedMorph class >> gradientExample
--> exampleGradient
SimpleHierarchicalListMorph class >> submorphsExample
--> exampleSubmorphs
PluggableMenuSpec class >> withOneSingleItemExample
--> exampleWithOneSingleItem
PluggableMenuSpec class >> withSubMenuExample
--> exampleWithSubMenu
PluggableMenuSpec class >> withTwoSimpleItemsExample
--> exampleWithTwoSimpleItems
DigitalSignatureAlgorith >> writeExamplesToDisk
--> exampleWriteToDisk
UITheme class >> textEntryWithCompletionDialog
--> exampletextEntryWithCompletionDialog
UITheme class >> closeExampleDialogs
--> exampleCloseDialogs
(I've excluded test and testcase examples from this list).