Support for .NET GUI components

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Support for .NET GUI components

Runar Jordahl-2
GradientPanel is a simple .NETcomponent. It is "(...) written in C#, the
product are 100% managed code and CLS compliance." In practice it seems like
the component is delivered as a .DLL file. I assume the DLL contains code
compiled to .NET's Common Language Runtime (CLR), but I am not sure about
this. Information and download is found at:

GradientPanel does not seem like a very interesting component. Still, it
seems to serve as a free, minimal example of a .NET GUI component. The video
"Working with Editors" also shows how the component might be used as a form
containing other subforms, like buttons and text edit fields.

Having tried Dolphin Smalltalk's excellent support for ActiveX components, I
wonder what it would take for Smalltalk, and Dolphin in particular, to use
GUI components written for .NET. I am not sure, but I would expect that in
the coming years, more components will be delivered as .NET components and
that ActiveX will become less used. Will supporting such components be easy?
Would hosting them require that the host application (Smalltalk) also run in
the CLR?

Runar Jordahl