Swazoo: Taskbar icon package

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Swazoo: Taskbar icon package

Dmitry Zamotkin-4

Here is a small update for Swazoo HTTP Server
(http://www.dolphinharbor.org). A main shell class in SwazooSessionManager
is replaced with SwazooTaskbar presenter.  I suppose a taskbar icon is more
convenient for http server then a usual shell window.


Dmitry Zamotkin

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Re: Swazoo: Taskbar icon package

   I noticed that the tipText cann't be displayed while the mouse was over
the taskbar icon in my WinXP/D5.1 system,  otherwise, the taskbar works
fine. It gave me a lot of convenience to do my routine house-keeping works
of my databases and web servers by just clicking the menu commands, thanks.


"Dmitry Zamotkin" <[hidden email]> wrote
> Hi,
> Here is a small update for Swazoo HTTP Server
> (http://www.dolphinharbor.org). A main shell class in SwazooSessionManager
> is replaced with SwazooTaskbar presenter.  I suppose a taskbar icon is
> convenient for http server then a usual shell window.
> http://www.infolio.ru/~zamsky/SwazooTaskbar.zip
> --
> Dmitry Zamotkin