Hi guys,
On 05. 04. 2011 18:09, Nicolas Petton wrote:
> Le mardi 05 avril 2011 à 17:55 +0200, Bernat Romagosa a écrit :
>> Is it a bad practice to skip apache and just run swazoo on port 80? If
>> so, why?
> I consider that it is.
> First, you'll have to run your image as root, which is very bad.
> Also, you'll have to serve static files with Swazoo too. This is
> useless, and it will use CPU cycles for nothing.
I need to say just opposite. I'm namely running Swazoo only production
systems for years as root on port 80, public websites included, static
content included, without any security break.
A big plus of Swazoo only system is simplicity: in installation,
running, maintenance. No need to learn another web server, nothing. And
Swazoo (at least on VisualWorks) has a good performance even in static
serving, it is just 4x slower than Apache, which is actually very good
for Smalltalk only/any C at all.
Best regards
Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server