Syntax errors in breakpoint conditions

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Syntax errors in breakpoint conditions

Richard Sargent
Since I can't type well, I often create typos. This is especially bad in the Breakpoint dialogue, since the expression gets compiled after the dialogue is closed and the error message offers no specific information.

e.g. I just made the following "Stop when true" expression/typo:
(clientObj isKindOf: BloclContextTemplate)

The result is a new dialogue telling me:
Configuration Error: The trigger expression does not compile.
The breakpoint will not fire unless the trigger expression is corrected.

It would be a welcome enhancement to compile the expression before closing the window and specifying what the compile error revealed. A short expression such as this is relatively easily debugged. I have had substantially longer ones, and they are bears to figure out!

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Re: Syntax errors in breakpoint conditions

Seth Berman
Thanks Richard,

We actually took a few minutes discussing this at our last team meeting.
There wasn't really consensus on the effort -> value of doing this particular item at this time.
But thank you for offering it up, your opinion is, of course, valued very much.

- Seth

On Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 5:39:43 PM UTC-4, Richard Sargent wrote:
Since I can't type well, I often create typos. This is especially bad in the Breakpoint dialogue, since the expression gets compiled after the dialogue is closed and the error message offers no specific information.

e.g. I just made the following "Stop when true" expression/typo:
(clientObj isKindOf: BloclContextTemplate)

The result is a new dialogue telling me:
Configuration Error: The trigger expression does not compile.
The breakpoint will not fire unless the trigger expression is corrected.

It would be a welcome enhancement to compile the expression before closing the window and specifying what the compile error revealed. A short expression such as this is relatively easily debugged. I have had substantially longer ones, and they are bears to figure out!

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