SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree

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SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree

Tobias Pape
Hello GemStoners

I am currently trying to cross-grade Monticello
for making my SqueakSource work with Pre/Post-scripts
and upon running tests, I found the following Precious.

Monticello wants to deal with Class-Categories
(creation, renaming), and it bit me that
SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree:

SystemOrganizer mostly operates on its
categoryDict and makes sure that every key handed to
it is made a symbol (#classify:under:, #listAtCategoryNamed:,
and especially #renameCategory:toBe:).
  The categoryDict itself is initialized via
ClassOrganizer's categories, which, however
is a StringKeyValueDictionary (see #rebuildCategories

   "gemstone64,  changed categories from a SymbolDictionary
    to a StringKeyValueDictionary to avoid unnecessary symbol creation"


Since Stings and Symbols _explicitly_ do not compare with #= (String>>#=
"Returns true if corresponding Characters in the receiver and argument are equal
 and aCharCollection is comparable with the receiver, and aCharCollection is
 not a kind of Symbol.  Returns false otherwise.  ...")
#renameCategory:toBe: must inherently fail...

So, how should I proceed? Patch SystemOrganizer to reflect ClassOrganizer
or add some other methods?

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Re: SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree

Dale Henrichs-3

Presumably SystemOrganizer is consistent with the Squeak/Pharo API so the differences you are seeing are because Squeak/Pharo and GemStone treat categories differently.

If you are trying to write portable code between Squeak/Pharo and GemStone, then you should probably just use SystemOrganizer ...

If you find that you need to use both ClassOrganizer and SystemOrganizer, then I would need a bit more information about what you are doing to help figure out the best approach ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Tobias Pape" <[hidden email]>
| To: "GemStone Seaside beta discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:51:03 AM
| Subject: [GS/SS Beta] SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree
| Hello GemStoners
| I am currently trying to cross-grade Monticello
| for making my SqueakSource work with Pre/Post-scripts
| and upon running tests, I found the following Precious.
| Monticello wants to deal with Class-Categories
| (creation, renaming), and it bit me that
| SystemOrganizer and ClassOrganizer do not agree:
| SystemOrganizer mostly operates on its
| categoryDict and makes sure that every key handed to
| it is made a symbol (#classify:under:, #listAtCategoryNamed:,
| and especially #renameCategory:toBe:).
|   The categoryDict itself is initialized via
| ClassOrganizer's categories, which, however
| is a StringKeyValueDictionary (see #rebuildCategories
|    "gemstone64,  changed categories from a SymbolDictionary
|     to a StringKeyValueDictionary to avoid unnecessary symbol
|     creation"
| ).
| Since Stings and Symbols _explicitly_ do not compare with #=
| (String>>#=
| "Returns true if corresponding Characters in the receiver and
| argument are equal
|  and aCharCollection is comparable with the receiver, and
|  aCharCollection is
|  not a kind of Symbol.  Returns false otherwise.  ...")
| #renameCategory:toBe: must inherently fail...
| So, how should I proceed? Patch SystemOrganizer to reflect
| ClassOrganizer
| or add some other methods?
| Best
| -Tobias