Hi Dario,
This probably means you do not have the latest BowWave-Recaptcha package, which contains the BWRecaptchaComponent class>>#ajax method.
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Dario Trussardi
<[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Tony,
i hope this is right reference for signal the problem.
I have load the TFLogin into Pharo1.1.1.
After i set the captcha key and register the TLTestApp
When open in the browser the LoginTestApp
the system erase the error:
MessageNotUnderstood: BWRecaptchaComponent class>>ajax
| recaptchaClass |
captchaComponent :=
((recaptchaClass := (Smalltalk at: #BWRecaptchaComponent ifAbsent: [ nil ])) isNil
ifFalse: [ captchaComponent ifNil: [ recaptchaClass ajax ]]
ifTrue: [ nil ])
I answer proced.
Now the standard register option work fine and show the captcha component.
When i open the AJAX rendering and do the register option the captcha component is not render.