THANKS a lot for the awesome Deep Smalltalk School

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THANKS a lot for the awesome Deep Smalltalk School

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi all. I am doing quite an effort to have the laptop opened and type some words....heehhehe after a whole vm hacking week I promise I cannot do more..

I wanted to thanks everybody for the unbelievable Deep Smalltalk School that we had. I really thanks everybody involved: organizers, INRIA, ESUG, EDM and other sponsors, you, etc. Even if some people don't notice, I know that some of you spend a lot of time and energy (instead of using such yout time for something else). I promise it was more than worth it.

The school was a success. People come over the world: Canada, USA, Argentina, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, etc. We were around 45 persons. Even if I am a VM newbie, I like low level stuff. Sometimes when you go to ESUG, Smalltalks or any other conference, you can see one or two 30-minutes-talks about VM, compilers, etc. But do you image what is a whole week from 9:00 to 18:00 talking about VM, Compiler, Parser, Networking, optimizations, etc ???   It is really cool!!!

If there is something like this again in the future, please, consider coming, you won't regret. The best thing is that since we have a lot of hours, we can have not only the theoretical lessons, but also the hands on. So, we were able to: compile CogVM from scratch, implement a Twitter like app, create some petit parsers, optimize some real code, create a minimal Hazelnut image, create a VM plugin, etc....

So, once again, thanks a lot to everybody involved.


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Re: [participants-ecole-mars2011] THANKS a lot for the awesome Deep Smalltalk School

Stéphane Ducasse
Thanks mariano.
It was cool and I like the hands-on because we are not just taught but we participate and learn.

On Mar 11, 2011, at 10:44 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:

> Hi all. I am doing quite an effort to have the laptop opened and type some words....heehhehe after a whole vm hacking week I promise I cannot do more..
> I wanted to thanks everybody for the unbelievable Deep Smalltalk School that we had. I really thanks everybody involved: organizers, INRIA, ESUG, EDM and other sponsors, you, etc. Even if some people don't notice, I know that some of you spend a lot of time and energy (instead of using such yout time for something else). I promise it was more than worth it.
> The school was a success. People come over the world: Canada, USA, Argentina, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, etc. We were around 45 persons. Even if I am a VM newbie, I like low level stuff. Sometimes when you go to ESUG, Smalltalks or any other conference, you can see one or two 30-minutes-talks about VM, compilers, etc. But do you image what is a whole week from 9:00 to 18:00 talking about VM, Compiler, Parser, Networking, optimizations, etc ???   It is really cool!!!
> If there is something like this again in the future, please, consider coming, you won't regret. The best thing is that since we have a lot of hours, we can have not only the theoretical lessons, but also the hands on. So, we were able to: compile CogVM from scratch, implement a Twitter like app, create some petit parsers, optimize some real code, create a minimal Hazelnut image, create a VM plugin, etc....
> So, once again, thanks a lot to everybody involved.
> Cheers
> Mariano

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Re: [participants-ecole-mars2011] THANKS a lot for the awesome Deep Smalltalk School

Tudor Girba


On 12 Mar 2011, at 09:07, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> Thanks mariano.
> It was cool and I like the hands-on because we are not just taught but we participate and learn.
> On Mar 11, 2011, at 10:44 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> Hi all. I am doing quite an effort to have the laptop opened and type some words....heehhehe after a whole vm hacking week I promise I cannot do more..
>> I wanted to thanks everybody for the unbelievable Deep Smalltalk School that we had. I really thanks everybody involved: organizers, INRIA, ESUG, EDM and other sponsors, you, etc. Even if some people don't notice, I know that some of you spend a lot of time and energy (instead of using such yout time for something else). I promise it was more than worth it.
>> The school was a success. People come over the world: Canada, USA, Argentina, Norway, Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, etc. We were around 45 persons. Even if I am a VM newbie, I like low level stuff. Sometimes when you go to ESUG, Smalltalks or any other conference, you can see one or two 30-minutes-talks about VM, compilers, etc. But do you image what is a whole week from 9:00 to 18:00 talking about VM, Compiler, Parser, Networking, optimizations, etc ???   It is really cool!!!
>> If there is something like this again in the future, please, consider coming, you won't regret. The best thing is that since we have a lot of hours, we can have not only the theoretical lessons, but also the hands on. So, we were able to: compile CogVM from scratch, implement a Twitter like app, create some petit parsers, optimize some real code, create a minimal Hazelnut image, create a VM plugin, etc....
>> So, once again, thanks a lot to everybody involved.
>> Cheers
>> Mariano


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