Юрий Мироненко wrote:
> Couple years after failing of the last, GSoC-powered effort to implement
> Excel/Calc support, I come to the point when I need it desperately.
> Therefore I started Tabular (ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Tabular.html
> <
http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Tabular.html>) package.
> It's now very early stages, and exporting code is quite dirty - but it
> works as proof-of-concept, generating XLSX files with cells meging
> support - which is, anyway, more than we have in SCV. It was already
> used in production code, and already generating tax reports or something
> like this.
> Some of other members of RSUG looks interested in participating in this
> development, so we may expect significiant progress in nearest future.
With Pharo aiming at the business environment, I'm sure this will be
very handy for lots of people, and no doubt I'll find a use for it in
the future. Thanks for the effort (and announcing).
cheers -ben