"Tabular" announcement: support of Excel/Calc spreadsheets formats

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"Tabular" announcement: support of Excel/Calc spreadsheets formats

Yuriy Mironenko
Couple years after failing of the last, GSoC-powered effort to implement Excel/Calc support, I come to the point when I need it desperately. Therefore I started Tabular (ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Tabular.html) package.

It's now very early stages, and exporting code is quite dirty - but it works as proof-of-concept, generating XLSX files with cells meging support - which is, anyway, more than we have in SCV. It was already used in production code, and already generating tax reports or something like this.

Some of other members of RSUG looks interested in participating in this development, so we may expect significiant progress in nearest future.

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