Take a screenshot of CodeCity

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Take a screenshot of CodeCity

Tommaso DS
Hi all!

As you may have noticed, here in Lugano we are playing a lot with
CodeCity ;-)

I was wondering if there is a way to programmatically take a screenshot
of a CodeCity visualization.
I see that with Roassal you can do that, but it seems to be not
compatible with CC, am I missing something?

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Re: Take a screenshot of CodeCity

Tudor Girba-2
Not yet. This is another feature request for Ricky. The only problem is that he cannot work on it right now :(


On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 10:35 AM, Tommaso Dal Sasso <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all!

As you may have noticed, here in Lugano we are playing a lot with CodeCity ;-)

I was wondering if there is a way to programmatically take a screenshot of a CodeCity visualization.
I see that with Roassal you can do that, but it seems to be not compatible with CC, am I missing something?

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Re: Take a screenshot of CodeCity

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by Tommaso DS
Where is the problem?

|directory exporter   | 
directory := FileSystem workingDirectory / 'pictures' . 
directory ensureCreateDirectory. 
exporter := DOScreenshotExporter new. 
exporter directory: directory. 
exporter writeWorldAs: 'world.png'. 

DOScreenshotExporter>>writeWorldAs: aFileName
(directory / aFileName) ensureDelete.
PNGReadWriter putForm: World imageForm  onFileNamed: (directory / aFileName).

though this form might not work
DOScreenshotExporter>>writeMorph: aMorph rectangle: aRectangle as: aFileName
(directory / aFileName) ensureDelete.
PNGReadWriter putForm: (aMorph imageFormForRectangle: aRectangle) onFileNamed: (directory / aFileName).

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