Taskbar application?

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Taskbar application?

Is it possible to implement a "Taskbar application" using Dolphin?

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Re: Taskbar application?

Dmitry Zamotkin
If you mean an application with icon in a tray try to read these

Dmitry Zamotkin

Griff wrote:
> Is it possible to implement a "Taskbar application" using Dolphin?

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Re: Taskbar application?

Dmitry Zamotkin wrote:
> If you mean an application with icon in a tray try to read these
> threads:
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin/search?group=comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin&q=tray+icon&qt_g=1
> --
> Dmitry Zamotkin
> Griff wrote:
> > Is it possible to implement a "Taskbar application" using Dolphin?

I'm also interested in this kind of applications. I've read all these
threads but found that the links to packages are broken/non existant.
Has someone an up to date package to use the system tray? Can you
provide me with a link to download it?

Thank you in advance,

Federico Omoto

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Re: Taskbar application?

Dmitry Zamotkin
Here is my package with a TestTaskbar and a TestTaskbarSessionManager:


Dmitry Zamotkin

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Re: Taskbar application?

Dmitry Zamotkin ha escrito:

> Here is my package with a TestTaskbar and a TestTaskbarSessionManager:
> http://slil.ru/23027851
> Dmitry Zamotkin

Thank you Dmitry!!!

Unfortunately I haven't a Window machine here, but I'll test it as soon
as I can.

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Re: Taskbar application?

Tim M
In reply to this post by Dmitry Zamotkin
Dmitry Zamotkin wrote:
> Here is my package with a TestTaskbar and a TestTaskbarSessionManager:
> http://slil.ru/23027851
> Dmitry Zamotkin

It looks like this has disappeared again. Is there any way you can post
it again, I am interested too?
