Team work, persistance

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Team work, persistance

Guillermo Talento
Hi everybody.

My company is in the process of evaluating the move of our development team
to OO tech, using Smalltalk as our development environment.

Since our client base runs in Windows tech, Dolphin seemed the obvious
choice to evaluate.

But I have the following questions, that maybe many of you have already
solved, and would be willing to share the solution.

Does Dolphin solves team development, so that changes made by one developer
is seen by the others?
How do you implement persistence for a multi-user system? Is there any
available OODB that supports Dolphin clients? (We do not want to go through
the relational mapping ordeal).

Any answer is welcome.
Guillermo Talento
[hidden email]

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Re: Team work, persistance

Bruno Brasesco
> How do you implement persistence for a multi-user system? Is there any
> available OODB that supports Dolphin clients? (We do not want to go
> the relational mapping ordeal).

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Best Regards
Bruno Brasesco