Never mind, there is no problem.
I had a loose method override of
TestCase>should:triggerAllOf:matching:butNoneOf:against: to use
"anObject removeEventsTriggeredFor: nil" instead of "anObject
setEvents: events".
[hidden email] (Scott D) wrote in message news:<
[hidden email]>...
> I have been usint the TestCase method #should:trigger:against: in
> version 5.03. When I ported to 5.1, my test cases using this method
> are now breaking. The following methods are successfully evaluated
> (not displayed) in 5.03 but cause a walkback in 5.1.
> object := Object new.
> TestCase new should: [object trigger: #test] trigger: #test against:
> object.
> TestCase new should: [object trigger: #test:a:] trigger: #test:a:
> against: object.
> Any suggested fixes would be great.
> Thanks,
> Scott