TestMock v-9 published; now works with Pharo 1.1.1

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TestMock v-9 published; now works with Pharo 1.1.1

Anindya Haldar
Dear Smalltalkers,

I am glad to make an updated version (v9) of the mocking framework TestMock available with added Pharo 1.1.1 support. Previously reported v8 issues arising from the deprecation of KeyedSet and some other changes with TestCase and Boolean classes in Pharo 1.1.1  have been fixed. This version continues to work with Pharo 1.0 and Seaside-2.8 dev images as before.

Here is the link to the project:

Happy smalltalking!

- Anindya Haldar

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Re: TestMock v-9 published; now works with Pharo 1.1.1

Stéphane Ducasse
On Jan 26, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Anindya Haldar wrote:

> Dear Smalltalkers,
> I am glad to make an updated version (v9) of the mocking framework TestMock available with added Pharo 1.1.1 support. Previously reported v8 issues arising from the deprecation of KeyedSet and some other changes with TestCase and Boolean classes in Pharo 1.1.1  have been fixed. This version continues to work with Pharo 1.0 and Seaside-2.8 dev images as before.
> Here is the link to the project:
> http://www.squeaksource.com/TestMock.html
> Happy smalltalking!
> Regards,
> - Anindya Haldar