Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

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Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse
hi guys

in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.

I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection



31 January 2011 2:22 pm

VM: Mac OS - intel - 1064 - Pharo1.1.1 of 12 September 2010 [Latest update: #11414] 21.0
Image: Pharo1.2rc2 [Latest update: #12327]31 January 2011 2:22 pm

VM: Mac OS - intel - 1064 - Pharo1.1.1 of 12 September 2010 [Latest update: #11414] 21.0
Image: Pharo1.2rc2 [Latest update: #12327]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /Data/Downloads/Pharo-1.2
Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Untrusted Dir /Users/ducasse/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak/

ByteString class(Object)>>error:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: 'basicNew: failed'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                selector: #basicNew:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Behavior)>>basicNew:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                sizeRequested: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(String class)>>new:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                sizeRequested: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which prints the ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                start: 550
                stop: 548
                newSize: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
'"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which prints the ...etc...

        Receiver: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                start: 550
                stop: 563
                realStart: 550
                realStop: 548
        Receiver's instance variables:
                string: '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do I...etc...
                runs: a RunArray runs: #(212 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 166 2 4 1 5 1 2 4 1 3 1 2 79 2 14 ...etc...

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a Compiler
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                textOrStream: a ReadWriteStream '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve ju...etc...
                aContext: nil
                receiver: nil
                aRequestor: a SmalltalkEditor
                failBlock: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
        ^ #failedDoit]
                logFlag: true
                methodNode: DoIt
        ^ ProfStef next
                method: (UndefinedObject>>#DoIt "a CompiledMethod(656408576)")
                value: a LessonView
                toLog: nil
                itsSelection: nil
                itsSelectionString: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sourceStream: a ReadWriteStream '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve ju...etc...
                requestor: a SmalltalkEditor
                class: UndefinedObject
                category: nil
                context: nil
                parser: a Parser

[rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: rcvr
                notifying: self
                ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
                        ^ #failedDoit]
                logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                rcvr: nil
                ctxt: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: OutOfScopeNotification
                handlerAction: [:ex | ex resume: true]
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
                startpc: 116
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                result: nil
                rcvr: nil
                ctxt: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                asciiValue: 100
                honorCommandKeys: true
                char: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

[editor keystroke: evt] in [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                interactionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt]
                oldEditor: a SmalltalkEditor
                oldParagraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                oldText: a Text for '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve just executed ...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                interActionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

[| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                action: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

ECToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: ECToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                completionAllowed: false
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                stringHolder: a LessonView
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: StandardToolSet
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #ECToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Ocompletion-ECSqueak'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

DEVToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: DEVToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                toolSet: ECToolSet
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: StandardToolSet
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #DEVToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #ImageForDevelopers
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: ToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: AppRegistry
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #ToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'System-Applications'
                traitComposition: nil
                localSelectors: nil
                registeredClasses: an OrderedCollection(StandardToolSet ECToolSet DEVToolSet)
                default: DEVToolSet

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                view: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                pasteUp: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                timeStamp: 12927
                source: a HandMorph(843055104)
                windowIndex: nil
                type: #keystroke
                buttons: 64
                position: 15@310
                handler: nil
                wasHandled: true
                keyValue: 100
                charCode: 100
                scanCode: 2

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                owner: nil
                submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a SystemWindow(599785472) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph: nil
                worldState: a WorldState
                griddingOn: nil

        Receiver: [aBlock value]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Error
                handlerAction: [:ex |
ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
        ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
                handlerActive: false
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                startpc: 67
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104)
                priorEvent: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                owner: nil
                submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a SystemWindow(599785472) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph: nil
                worldState: a WorldState
                griddingOn: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil]
                w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil]
                result: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                ofs: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                evtBuf: #(2 12927 100 0 8 100 0 1)
                type: 2
                hadAny: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

--- The full stack ---
ByteString class(Object)>>error:
ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed
ByteString class(Behavior)>>basicNew:
ByteString class(String class)>>new:
[rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: rcvr
                notifying: self
                ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
                        ^ #failedDoit]
                logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
[editor keystroke: evt] in [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
[| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
ECToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
DEVToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
ToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[:h |
ActiveHand := h.
        h processEvents.
        ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[[World doOneCycle.
        Processor yield.
        false] whileFalse.
        nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
[self value.
        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir /Data/Downloads/Pharo-1.2
Trusted Dir /foobar/tooBar/forSqueak/bogus/
Untrusted Dir /Users/ducasse/Library/Preferences/Squeak/Internet/My Squeak/

ByteString class(Object)>>error:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: 'basicNew: failed'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                selector: #basicNew:
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(Behavior)>>basicNew:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                sizeRequested: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ByteString class(String class)>>new:
        Receiver: ByteString
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                sizeRequested: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: String
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#applyLanguageInfomation:->(ByteString>>#applyLa...etc...
                format: 23554
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('*xml-parser' applyLanguageInfomation:)
('accessing' at: at:put:...etc...
                subclasses: nil
                name: #ByteString
                classPool: a Dictionary(#NonAsciiMap->#[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...etc...
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Collections-Strings'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

        Receiver: '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which prints the ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                start: 550
                stop: 548
                newSize: -1
        Receiver's instance variables:
'"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which prints the ...etc...

        Receiver: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do It which ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                start: 550
                stop: 563
                realStart: 550
                realStop: 548
        Receiver's instance variables:
                string: '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It''s a Do I...etc...
                runs: a RunArray runs: #(212 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 166 2 4 1 5 1 2 4 1 3 1 2 79 2 14 ...etc...

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a Compiler
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                textOrStream: a ReadWriteStream '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve ju...etc...
                aContext: nil
                receiver: nil
                aRequestor: a SmalltalkEditor
                failBlock: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
        ^ #failedDoit]
                logFlag: true
                methodNode: DoIt
        ^ ProfStef next
                method: (UndefinedObject>>#DoIt "a CompiledMethod(656408576)")
                value: a LessonView
                toLog: nil
                itsSelection: nil
                itsSelectionString: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                sourceStream: a ReadWriteStream '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve ju...etc...
                requestor: a SmalltalkEditor
                class: UndefinedObject
                category: nil
                context: nil
                parser: a Parser

[rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: rcvr
                notifying: self
                ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
                        ^ #failedDoit]
                logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                rcvr: nil
                ctxt: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: ...etc...
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: OutOfScopeNotification
                handlerAction: [:ex | ex resume: true]
                handlerActive: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
                startpc: 116
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                result: nil
                rcvr: nil
                ctxt: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                asciiValue: 100
                honorCommandKeys: true
                char: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

        Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                morph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                selectionShowing: true
                model: a LessonView
                editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState

[editor keystroke: evt] in [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                interactionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt]
                oldEditor: a SmalltalkEditor
                oldParagraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                oldText: a Text for '"Cool ! (I like to say Cooool :) ). You''ve just executed ...etc...
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                interActionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt]
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

[| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                action: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

ECToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: ECToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                completionAllowed: false
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                stringHolder: a LessonView
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: StandardToolSet
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #ECToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'Ocompletion-ECSqueak'
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

DEVToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: DEVToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                toolSet: ECToolSet
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: StandardToolSet
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #DEVToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #ImageForDevelopers
                traitComposition: {}
                localSelectors: nil

ToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
        Receiver: ToolSet
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                superclass: AppRegistry
                methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
                format: 2
                instanceVariables: nil
                organization: ('as yet unclassified')

                subclasses: nil
                name: #ToolSet
                classPool: nil
                sharedPools: nil
                environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
                category: #'System-Applications'
                traitComposition: nil
                localSelectors: nil
                registeredClasses: an OrderedCollection(StandardToolSet ECToolSet DEVToolSet)
                default: DEVToolSet

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                view: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                pasteUp: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anObject: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                timeStamp: 12927
                source: a HandMorph(843055104)
                windowIndex: nil
                type: #keystroke
                buttons: 64
                position: 15@310
                handler: nil
                wasHandled: true
                keyValue: 100
                charCode: 100
                scanCode: 2

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

        Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                owner: a TransformMorph(1005322240)
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 450@354
                color: Color black
                extension: a MorphExtension (975437824) [other:  (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: Color black
                textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9
                text: a Text for '"Now you''re a Do It master ! Let''s talk about printing. It'...etc...
                wrapFlag: true
                paragraph: a MultiNewParagraph
                editor: a SmalltalkEditor
                container: nil
                predecessor: nil
                successor: nil
                backgroundColor: nil
                margins: nil
                editView: a PluggableShoutMorph(1061158912)
                acceptOnCR: false

[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                owner: nil
                submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a SystemWindow(599785472) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph: nil
                worldState: a WorldState
                griddingOn: nil

        Receiver: [aBlock value]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                exception: Error
                handlerAction: [:ex |
ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
        ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
                handlerActive: false
        Receiver's instance variables:
                outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
                startpc: 67
                numArgs: 0

        Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104)
                priorEvent: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                owner: nil
                submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(811335680) a SystemWindow(599785472) a Syste...etc...
                fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662
                color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0)
                extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]  [othe...etc...
                borderWidth: 0
                borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
                backgroundMorph: nil
                worldState: a WorldState
                griddingOn: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil]
                w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                result: #(nil)
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(786432)
                aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil]
                result: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                ofs: nil
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

        Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-d>']
                evtBuf: #(2 12927 100 0 8 100 0 1)
                type: 2
                hadAny: true
        Receiver's instance variables:
                bounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
                submorphs: #()
                fullBounds: 435@557 corner: 451@573
                color: Color blue
                extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
                mouseFocus: nil
                keyboardFocus: nil
                eventListeners: nil
                mouseListeners: nil
                keyboardListeners: nil
                mouseClickState: nil
                mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
                lastMouseEvent: [438@556 435@557 mouseMove 41062 nil]
                targetOffset: 93@0
                damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
                cacheCanvas: nil
                cachedCanvasHasHoles: false
                temporaryCursor: nil
                temporaryCursorOffset: nil
                hardwareCursor: nil
                hasChanged: true
                savedPatch: nil
                userInitials: ''
                lastEventBuffer: #(1 41062 437 557 0 0 0 1)
                lastKeyScanCode: 36
                combinedChar: nil

--- The full stack ---
ByteString class(Object)>>error:
ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
ByteString class(Object)>>primitiveFailed
ByteString class(Behavior)>>basicNew:
ByteString class(String class)>>new:
[rcvr class evaluatorClass new
                evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
                in: ctxt
                to: rcvr
                notifying: self
                ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil.
                        ^ #failedDoit]
                logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelection
[editor keystroke: evt] in [| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
[| action |
evt keyValue = 13
                ifTrue: [action := self crAction.
                                ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil.
                                        ^ action value]].
                handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt].
        self updateFromParagraph.
        super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke:
ECToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
DEVToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
ToolSet class>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke:
[ActiveHand := self.
        ActiveEvent := anEvent.
        result := focusHolder
                                handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
                                                transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear:
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
                        - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[:h |
ActiveHand := h.
        h processEvents.
        ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[[World doOneCycle.
        Processor yield.
        false] whileFalse.
        nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
[self value.
        Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Alain Plantec-3
It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472

SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and


Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :

> hi guys
> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse
I will integrate it in!


> It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
> see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472
> take
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12-Part-2
> Cheers
> Alain
> Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> hi guys
>> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
>> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
>> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-3
I do not understand why we get that back since apparently it was integrated.
        do you know if this is in core?
        in dev already?


On Jan 31, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Alain Plantec wrote:

> It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
> see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472
> take
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12-Part-2
> Cheers
> Alain
> Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> hi guys
>> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
>> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
>> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-3
Alain in
                ... metacelloRepository

        (ConfigurationOfProfStef project version: '1.6') load.

        ProfStef go

> It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
> see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472
> take
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and
> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12-Part-2
> Cheers
> Alain
> Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> hi guys
>> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
>> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
>> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Alain Plantec-3
yes, it doesn't work because the fix has been overwritten with old code.
I think that only SmalltalkEditor>>#evaluateSelection has been touched.
Just browse this method, then open versions and set #evaluateSelection back
to its previous version (12/21/2010).

Le 31/01/2011 17:17, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :

> Alain in
> 13033
> Gofer
> ... metacelloRepository
> (ConfigurationOfProfStef project version: '1.6') load.
> ProfStef go
>> It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
>> see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472
>> take
>> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and
>> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12-Part-2
>> Cheers
>> Alain
>> Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>>> hi guys
>>> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
>>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
>>> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
>>> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Alain Plantec-3
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-3

>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
It's not a problem with text selection.
The problem is that profStef next changes the contents of the morph
(with setText:).
Nothing anormal here but, while doing so it kills the editor from where
the selection is evaluated.
See the portion of #evaluateSelection  given below:
     result := [
         rcvr class evaluatorClass new
             evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
             in: ctxt
             to: rcvr
             notifying: self <------***** the problem is here *****
             ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil. ^ #failedDoit]
             logged: true.
The receiver is passed as the requestor and it is bad because after the
selection has been evaluated,
the receiver is destroyed by the #setText: and a new editor is built.
After having evaluated the selection, the compiler sends several
messages to the requestor.
Then it crashes because the requestor is destroyed by the evaluation ... :)
So the solution is to set the editor morph as the requestor (which is
stable), not the editor.


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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse

Laurent can you fix profStef?


On Jan 31, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Alain Plantec wrote:

>>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
> It's not a problem with text selection.
> The problem is that profStef next changes the contents of the morph (with setText:).
> Nothing anormal here but, while doing so it kills the editor from where the selection is evaluated.
> See the portion of #evaluateSelection  given below:
> --------------------
> evaluateSelection
> ...
>    result := [
>        rcvr class evaluatorClass new
>            evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream
>            in: ctxt
>            to: rcvr
>            notifying: self <------***** the problem is here *****
>            ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil. ^ #failedDoit]
>            logged: true.
>    ]
> ...
> -----------------
> The receiver is passed as the requestor and it is bad because after the selection has been evaluated,
> the receiver is destroyed by the #setText: and a new editor is built.
> After having evaluated the selection, the compiler sends several messages to the requestor.
> Then it crashes because the requestor is destroyed by the evaluation ... :)
> So the solution is to set the editor morph as the requestor (which is stable), not the editor.
> Cheers
> Alain

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Alain Plantec-3
So alain should I do something?
Or just ProfStef should be fixed?


> yes, it doesn't work because the fix has been overwritten with old code.
> I think that only SmalltalkEditor>>#evaluateSelection has been touched.
> Just browse this method, then open versions and set #evaluateSelection back
> to its previous version (12/21/2010).
> Le 31/01/2011 17:17, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>> Alain in
>> 13033
>> Gofer
>> ... metacelloRepository
>> (ConfigurationOfProfStef project version: '1.6') load.
>> ProfStef go
>>> It seems to me that it has already been reported and fixed a time ago.
>>> see http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=3472
>>> take
>>> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12 and
>>> SLICE-Issue-3472-Text-selection-problem-in-Pharo-dev-12-Part-2
>>> Cheers
>>> Alain
>>> Le 31/01/2011 14:23, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
>>>> hi guys
>>>> in 1.2 dev when I play with ProfStef go I get an error after a couple of screens normally 3.
>>>> I do not understand why but it looks really a problem with text selection
>>>> https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/Pharo/job/Pharo%201.2/
>>>> Stef

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Re: Text Selection problem in 1.2 dev

Alain Plantec-3
In reply to this post by Stéphane Ducasse
ProfStef is ok here  :)
It seems that my explanation I not so clear ...
evaluateSelection is to be fixed.
I make the slice.

Le 31/01/2011 20:57, Stéphane Ducasse a écrit :
> Ok!
> Laurent can you fix profStef?
> Stef
> On Jan 31, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Alain Plantec wrote: