TextHighlighting scrolls text editors to the top after every accept

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TextHighlighting scrolls text editors to the top after every accept

I've been seeing this problem for a while, but only recently I narrowed it down to the TextHighlighting suite being the cause. The issue is that if you have long text (e.g. an extensive package comment) with any sort of highlighting active on it (e.g. spellchecking), whenever you accept your changes in the text, the view will scroll all the way to the top. This is extremely annoying. I've tried to figure it out but haven't been successful so far. The HighlightingTextEditorConroller is rather small extension, but without good understanding of the rationale behing the text view update process, it's difficult to judge what's wrong. I'm fairly confident that the issue is the view update happening twice for some reason where the second update loses the original text position somehow.

I'm hoping that someone with more knowledge of Wrapper internals might care about this issue as well, and will be able to figure it out with less sweat than it's going to take me. Any takers ?


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