Thanks!: SB

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Thanks!: SB

Steve Alan Waring
Hi Andy and Blair,

Thanks for the System Browser!

When I first saw the System Browser, I thought it was a nice tool to get an
overview of the package structure of an image, but I didnt give it much
chance of becoming my main code writing browser.

With the changes you have made in the last two betas, I have found myself
spending more and more time writing code in it, and I now think it will
replace the CHB as my preferred browser. Some of the reasons are:

-I am using a single System Browser where I would have used multiple CHB's.

-I am finding that being able to "narrow" or "expand" the scope by changing
my package selection and have the Class Hierarchy update extremely useful.
Zoom in and Zoom out!

-While I have been spending less time with the Class List pane, I have found
some uses for it, and being able to switch from the Class List to the Class
Hierarchy keeping the selected class is useful.

Steve Waring

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Re: Thanks!: SB

Blair McGlashan
"Steve Waring" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> Hi Andy and Blair,
> Thanks for the System Browser!

Thanks for the positive feedback, and while on the subject thanks to others
such as Ian who have made positive comments. When it seems like it will
never be finished it helps keep our spirits up!

> ...
> -I am finding that being able to "narrow" or "expand" the scope by
> my package selection and have the Class Hierarchy update extremely useful.
> Zoom in and Zoom out!
> ...

For those who haven't noticed yet, one of the changes in beta 4 is that the
SB will attempt to maintain the various selections as one changes the
package selection.

> -While I have been spending less time with the Class List pane, I have
> some uses for it, and being able to switch from the Class List to the
> Hierarchy keeping the selected class is useful.

Yes, it still has utility as a means of seeing the full list of classes
without intervening clutter, and is also useful as way to search that list
to find a class, something that a tree representation does not excel.

