Thanks (better late than never)

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Thanks (better late than never)

Joseph Pelrine-2
In December, I did a hands-on eXtreme Programming testing tutorial at
XPDay in London (which sold out, btw). Andy and Blair put together a
special beta release of Dolphin 5.0 just for the tutorial. Dolphin
installed like a gem, and it was a joy to see people just fire it up and
start working right away - Jeff Odell's SUnit browser and the
refactoring tools are built right in. It was especially enjoyable to
have Dolphin work out-of-the-box since we had to get 6 people from the
crew in during the lunch break to set up Eclipse for the Java work! The
tutorial started out with only 2 pairs doing ST; at the end, more than
half the participants had given up with Java and started working in

I'm sorry I didn't get around to posting this earlier, but anyway:
thanks a lot, Andy and Blair, for the extra effort. It certainly helped
me a lot!

And folks, just wait til you see 5.0!

Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
MetaProg GmbH
Email: [hidden email]

"Inheritance was invented at 2 AM between January 5th and 6th, 1967" -
Krysten Nygaard

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Re: Thanks (better late than never)

Ted Bracht-2
Now you've got me (us?) jealous!

"Joseph Pelrine" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> In December, I did a hands-on eXtreme Programming testing tutorial at
> XPDay in London (which sold out, btw). Andy and Blair put together a
> special beta release of Dolphin 5.0 just for the tutorial. Dolphin
> installed like a gem, and it was a joy to see people just fire it up and
> start working right away - Jeff Odell's SUnit browser and the
> refactoring tools are built right in. It was especially enjoyable to
> have Dolphin work out-of-the-box since we had to get 6 people from the
> crew in during the lunch break to set up Eclipse for the Java work! The
> tutorial started out with only 2 pairs doing ST; at the end, more than
> half the participants had given up with Java and started working in
> Dolphin!
> I'm sorry I didn't get around to posting this earlier, but anyway:
> thanks a lot, Andy and Blair, for the extra effort. It certainly helped
> me a lot!
> And folks, just wait til you see 5.0!
> --
> Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
> MetaProg GmbH
> Email: [hidden email]
> Web:
> "Inheritance was invented at 2 AM between January 5th and 6th, 1967" -
> Krysten Nygaard

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Re: Thanks (better late than never)

Joseph Pelrine-2
I just hope that product delivery wasn't delayed because of the time they took
to roll my beta ;-)


Ted Bracht wrote:

> Now you've got me (us?) jealous!
> "Joseph Pelrine" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:[hidden email]...
> > In December, I did a hands-on eXtreme Programming testing tutorial at
> > XPDay in London (which sold out, btw). Andy and Blair put together a
> > special beta release of Dolphin 5.0 just for the tutorial. Dolphin
> > installed like a gem, and it was a joy to see people just fire it up and
> > start working right away - Jeff Odell's SUnit browser and the
> > refactoring tools are built right in. It was especially enjoyable to
> > have Dolphin work out-of-the-box since we had to get 6 people from the
> > crew in during the lunch break to set up Eclipse for the Java work! The
> > tutorial started out with only 2 pairs doing ST; at the end, more than
> > half the participants had given up with Java and started working in
> > Dolphin!
> >
> > I'm sorry I didn't get around to posting this earlier, but anyway:
> > thanks a lot, Andy and Blair, for the extra effort. It certainly helped
> > me a lot!
> >
> > And folks, just wait til you see 5.0!
> >
> > --
> > Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
> > MetaProg GmbH
> > Email: [hidden email]
> > Web:
> >
> > "Inheritance was invented at 2 AM between January 5th and 6th, 1967" -
> > Krysten Nygaard
> >
> >

Joseph Pelrine [ | ]
MetaProg GmbH
Email: [hidden email]

"Inheritance was invented at 2 AM between January 5th and 6th, 1967" -
Krysten Nygaard

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Re: Thanks (better late than never)

Andy Bower
Joseph and others,

> I just hope that product delivery wasn't delayed because of the time they
> to roll my beta ;-)

No need to worry, it's been delayed by moving office and the difficulties
we've had getting the new "Flipper Inspector" up and running. Anyway, now
it's done I think you'll find that it's worth the wait. Here's a glimpse:

This is an inspection of:

Shell allSubinstances

which therefore shows an array of the top level shells currently open in the
development image. Notice that there are two top level tabs that allow you
to view either the published aspects or the instance variables of the
inspected object and you can "flip" between the two renditions at will
(hence the name Flipper). In fact, there are hooks to install any number of
rendering panes so, if you have a plug-in for the inspector it is easy to
add it in.

Both panes can "drill down" into the object. Notice in the picture we have
chosen to drill down into the ClassBrowserShell that is open and then into
the collection of subpresenters below that. The first of these is a
MethodBrowser and the selection we are looking at is the collection of event
handlers that have been installed onto this object.

Here's another inspection, this time of class browser's ShellView. Notice
how the Flipper inspector can display the published aspects for certain
objects (like icons) inside specialised view panes.

Hope you like the look of what's to come

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Thanks (better late than never)

Andy Bower
In reply to this post by Joseph Pelrine-2
Joseph and others,

> I just hope that product delivery wasn't delayed because of the time they
> to roll my beta ;-)

No need to worry, it's been delayed by moving office and the difficulties
we've had getting the new "Flipper Inspector" up and running. Anyway, now
it's done I think you'll find that it's worth the wait. Here's a glimpse:

This is an inspection of:

Shell allSubinstances

which therefore shows an array of the top level shells currently open in the
development image. Notice that there are two top level tabs that allow you
to view either the published aspects or the instance variables of the
inspected object and you can "flip" between the two renditions at will
(hence the name Flipper). In fact, there are hooks to install any number of
rendering panes so, if you have a plug-in for the inspector it is easy to
add it in.

Both panes can "drill down" into the object. Notice in the picture we have
chosen to drill down into the ClassBrowserShell that is open and then into
the collection of subpresenters below that. The first of these is a
MethodBrowser and the selection we are looking at is the collection of event
handlers that have been installed onto this object.

Here's another inspection, this time of class browser's ShellView. Notice
how the Flipper inspector can display the published aspects for certain
objects (like icons) inside specialised view panes.

Hope you like the look of what's to come

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?