The Dilemma: Building a Futuristic GUI for Ephestos

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Re: The Dilemma: Building a Futuristic GUI for Ephestos

ah thank you ... yeah I tried something similar as a posted in a previous email of this thread. Looks like thats how fast morphic can go. 

Its not super bad though , I can live with this performance :)

I will have to keep animations non looping and quite small and I should be fine. 

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 2:22 AM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Kilon,

Not sure what you are trying to do.

Try this:
forms := Form allInstances.
v := RTView new.
t := 1.
e := (RTBitmap new form: [ :index | forms at: index ]) elementOn: t.

v add: e.
v open.

        50 timesRepeat: [
                t := t + 1.
                e model: t.
                e updateShape.
                (Delay forMilliseconds: 500) wait.
                v signalUpdate ]
] fork.


On Sep 14, 2014, at 1:22 AM, kilon alios <[hidden email]> wrote:

> so I tried to animate in Roassal having two different images display with a delay for few millisecond but it only displays the second image with this code
> form1 :=Form fromFileNamed:'/Users/kilon/Pictures/pharo.png'.
> form2 :=Form fromFileNamed:'/Users/kilon/Pictures/box.png'.
> v := RTView new.
> c := v canvas.
> s := TRBitmapShape new.
> s form: form1.
> c addShape: s.
> v  open.
> (1 to: 100) do: [ :index|
> s form: form1.
> s signalUpdate .
> "(Delay forMilliseconds: 1000 ) wait."
> s form: form2.
> s signalUpdate .
> (Delay forMilliseconds: 1000) wait.].
> I looked into RTAnimation but dont know how to use it for this example. Any help ? Does Roassal 2 support such animations ?
> if I do s form: and then s signalUpdate for each form separately it works fine but inside the loops does not seem to work , I tried bigger delays with no effect.
> On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 10:57 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Ronie when you ready I can help writting a chapter for the nex book.
> Stef
> On 13/9/14 21:42, Ronie Salgado wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 13/9/14 20:11, Enrico Schwass wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> another option could be the verse protocol. There was a plugin for Maya and Blender to do realtime rendering. Dont know if there is some automatic Swig-like wrapper for smalltalk but FFI might work.
>> There is Wig like wrapper for Pharo done by ronie salgado.
>> I have an adapted version of Swig for Pharo NativeBoost here:
>> Currently I am using it to generate my Bullet bindings (available here: that can be used as an example of using Swig.
>> I still have to improve more my Swig generator, by writing documentation and fixing some bugs.
>> Greetings,
>> Ronie
>> 2014-09-13 16:11 GMT-03:00 stepharo <[hidden email]>:
>> On 13/9/14 20:11, Enrico Schwass wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> another option could be the verse protocol. There was a plugin for Maya and Blender to do realtime rendering. Dont know if there is some automatic Swig-like wrapper for smalltalk but FFI might work.
>> There is Wig like wrapper for Pharo done by ronie salgado.
>> Stef
>>> Almost a decade ago I did some ruby bindings by hand. It was working out of the box
>>> Bye
>>> Enno
>>> Am 13.09.2014 um 16:11 schrieb kilon alios <[hidden email]>:
>>>> " I am curious. You mean rendering Bitmap from blender, for later use in Pharo UI? "
>>>> yes exactly. Blender can render in all popular graphics files, most used are png. Animation frames can be rendered each frame in its own file.
>>>> So basically its a lot like the average games out there.
>>>> "I will suggest bare bone Morphic mainly, then Athens when you need vectorial drawing."
>>>> ok
>>>> "For iStoa I decided to go purely Morphic, I have a lot of bitmap. Bitmap source is SVG, then converted to PNG, overscaled for production use. Then from iStoa, depending on the application window extent, the bitmap are downscaled accordingly, I am pretty satisfied by the result."
>>>> I fail to understand how your bitmap source is SVG for me bitmap is a raster graphic format svg is  procedural graphic format. Two opposite things.
>>>> "Sure. The downpoint, you will depend on one additional layer."
>>>> dependency is not an issue. Afterall the graphic files themselves will be far bigger download even more so if the GUI becomes very large.
>>>> "Nice.  What will be the expected outcomes of such API, I am not sure to understand and I am curious."
>>>> Well Blender besides creating 3d objects (which can be used as 2d objects too) it can also create 3d unrendable objects. That means that objects produce no graphics and have the role of placeholders or helpers, for example when you want an emitter of light or emitter of a physical power like gravity or wind. Those are called dummy objects and I could use them to give characteristics to the graphics , for example I could use a dummy to define the are of influence of a mouse click , or what type of event the bitmap will respond to. That means you wont have to import the graphics manually to pharo and create a separate morph for each bitmap and then set the events but rather press a button in blender and then Ephestos will import then bitmaps to pharo , set the events and create the morphs automagically.
>>>> So basically you will be using Blender as a GUI designer.
>>>> "Use fuel to store the state of your application objects."
>>>> ah nice so fuel is a good candidate.
>>>> I will also take a look at Dr Geo and Phratch , both apps have custom GUIs and use only Morphic (Dr Geo using Athens for the geometry primitives) .

Alexandre Bergel