Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-nice.279 Author: nice Time: 18 January 2010, 11:40:13.347 pm UUID: 161387ef-e444-46d2-9a5e-4a744bff3e97 Ancestors: Collections-ar.278 remove a useless fixTemps fast-up #withInternetLineEndings a bit fast-up #withSqueakLineEndings substantially add a fast #withUnixLineEndings =============== Diff against Collections-ar.278 =============== Item was added: + ----- Method: String>>withUnixLineEndings (in category 'internet') ----- + withUnixLineEndings + "Assume the string is textual, and that CR, LF, and CRLF are all valid line endings. + Replace each occurence with a single LF." + | cr lf inPos outPos outString newOutPos indexLF indexCR | + cr := Character cr. + indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: 1. + indexCR = 0 ifTrue: [^self]. + + lf := Character linefeed. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: 1. + indexLF = 0 ifTrue: [^self copy replaceAll: cr with: lf]. + + inPos := outPos := 1. + outString := String new: self size. + + ["check if next CR is before next LF or if there are no more LF" + (indexLF = 0 or: [indexCR < indexLF]) + ifTrue: [ + newOutPos := outPos + 1 + indexCR - inPos. + outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 2 with: self startingAt: inPos. + outString at: newOutPos - 1 put: lf. + outPos := newOutPos. + 1 + indexCR = indexLF + ifTrue: ["Caught a CR-LF pair" + inPos := 1 + indexLF. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: inPos] + ifFalse: [inPos := 1 + indexCR]. + indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: inPos] + ifFalse: [ + newOutPos := outPos + 1 + indexLF - inPos. + outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 1 with: self startingAt: inPos. + outPos := newOutPos. + inPos := 1 + indexLF. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: inPos]. + indexCR = 0] + whileFalse. + + "no more CR line endings. copy the rest" + newOutPos := outPos + (self size - inPos + 1). + outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 1 with: self startingAt: inPos. + ^outString copyFrom: 1 to: newOutPos - 1! Item was changed: ----- Method: LimitingLineStreamWrapper>>limitingBlock: (in category 'accessing') ----- limitingBlock: aBlock "The limitingBlock is evaluated with a line to check if this line terminates the stream" + limitingBlock := aBlock. - limitingBlock := aBlock fixTemps. self updatePosition! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>withSqueakLineEndings (in category 'internet') ----- withSqueakLineEndings + "Assume the string is textual, and that CR, LF, and CRLF are all valid line endings. + Replace each occurence with a single CR." + | cr lf inPos outPos outString newOutPos indexLF indexCR | - "assume the string is textual, and that CR, LF, and CRLF are all - valid line endings. Replace each occurence with a single CR" - | cr lf crlf inPos outPos outString lineEndPos newOutPos | - cr := Character cr. lf := Character linefeed. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: 1. + indexLF = 0 ifTrue: [^self]. + + cr := Character cr. + indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: 1. + indexCR = 0 ifTrue: [^self copy replaceAll: lf with: cr]. - crlf := CharacterSet crlf. + inPos := outPos := 1. - inPos := 1. - outPos := 1. outString := String new: self size. + ["check if next CR (if any) is before next LF" + (indexCR > 0 and: [indexCR < indexLF]) + ifTrue: [ + newOutPos := outPos + 1 + indexCR - inPos. + outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 1 with: self startingAt: inPos. + outPos := newOutPos. + 1 + indexCR = indexLF + ifTrue: ["Caught a CR-LF pair" + inPos := 1 + indexLF. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: inPos] + ifFalse: [inPos := 1 + indexCR]. + indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: inPos] + ifFalse: [ + newOutPos := outPos + 1 + indexLF - inPos. - [ lineEndPos := self indexOfAnyOf: crlf startingAt: inPos ifAbsent: [0]. - lineEndPos ~= 0 ] whileTrue: [ - newOutPos := outPos + (lineEndPos - inPos + 1). outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 2 with: self startingAt: inPos. + outString at: newOutPos - 1 put: cr. - outString at: newOutPos-1 put: cr. outPos := newOutPos. + inPos := 1 + indexLF. + indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: inPos]. + indexLF = 0] + whileFalse. + "no more LF line endings. copy the rest" - ((self at: lineEndPos) = cr and: [ lineEndPos < self size and: [ (self at: lineEndPos+1) = lf ] ]) ifTrue: [ - "CRLF ending" - inPos := lineEndPos + 2 ] - ifFalse: [ - "CR or LF ending" - inPos := lineEndPos + 1 ]. ]. - - "no more line endings. copy the rest" newOutPos := outPos + (self size - inPos + 1). + outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos - 1 with: self startingAt: inPos. + ^outString copyFrom: 1 to: newOutPos - 1! - outString replaceFrom: outPos to: newOutPos-1 with: self startingAt: inPos. - - ^outString copyFrom: 1 to: newOutPos-1 - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>withInternetLineEndings (in category 'internet') ----- withInternetLineEndings "change line endings from CR's and LF's to CRLF's. This is probably in prepration for sending a string over the Internet" ^self class new: self size * 16 // 15 "provisions for CR-LF pairs" streamContents: [ :stream | self lineIndicesDo: [:start :endWithoutDelimiters :end | + stream next: 1 + endWithoutDelimiters - start putAll: self startingAt: start. - stream nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: start to: endWithoutDelimiters). endWithoutDelimiters = end ifFalse: [ stream crlf ] ] ]! |
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