Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: EToys-nice.70
Author: nice
Time: 11 June 2010, 10:00:28.977 pm
UUID: 3a16c00c-2d38-5b49-9da7-25e95887c9d3
Ancestors: EToys-ar.69
Using String>>lines is a better way to get rid of any line ending problems
=============== Diff against EToys-ar.69 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ServerDirectory class>>parseEToyUserListFrom: (in category '*eToys-school support') -----
parseEToyUserListFrom: urlString
| url userString userList |
urlString ifNil:[^nil].
url := urlString asUrl.
userString := ["Note: We need to prevent going through the plugin API
when retrieving a local (file) URL, since the plugin API
(correctly) rejects file:// downloads."
Cursor wait showWhile:[
(url hasRemoteContents) ifTrue:[
"Go through the browser (if present)"
(HTTPClient httpGet: url asString) contents.
] ifFalse:[
"Go grab it directly"
url retrieveContents contents.
] on: Error do:[nil].
userString ifNil:[^nil].
+ userList := userString lines collect: [:each| each withBlanksTrimmed].
- "Get rid of any line ending problems"
- userString := userString copyReplaceAll: String crlf with: String cr.
- userString := userString copyReplaceAll: String lf with: String cr.
- userList := (userString findTokens: Character cr) collect:[:each| each withBlanksTrimmed].
userList := userList reject:[:any| any isEmpty].
(userList first = '##user list##') ifFalse:[^nil].
userList := userList copyFrom: 2 to: userList size.