Matthew Fulmer uploaded a new version of Graphics to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Graphics-mtf.134
Author: mtf
Time: 15 May 2010, 12:48:28.95 pm
UUID: 2cd4066c-74ee-4c9d-9e2b-93ca25624ff6
Ancestors: Graphics-ul.133
Better class comment for CharacterBlock
=============== Diff against Graphics-ul.133 ===============
Item was changed:
Rectangle subclass: #CharacterBlock
instanceVariableNames: 'stringIndex text textLine'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: 'TextConstants'
category: 'Graphics-Text'!
+ !CharacterBlock commentStamp: 'mtf 5/15/2010 12:44' prior: 0!
+ I describe the location of one character displayed on the screen. My instances are used to return the results of methods:
- !CharacterBlock commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- My instances contain information about displayed characters. They are used to return the results of methods:
Paragraph characterBlockAtPoint: aPoint and
Paragraph characterBlockForIndex: stringIndex.
+ Any recomposition or movement of a Paragraph can make the information I store stale.
+ text (Text): The text where my character is from
+ stringIndex (Integer): The index of my character in the text, starting from 1
+ textLine (TextLine): The displayed line my character is on
+ origin (Point): The top-left corner of the area allocated for displaying my
+ character's glyph, in pixels, counting right then down from the
+ top-left corner of the text display area, and starting from 0@0
+ corner (Point): The bottom-right corner of the area allocated for displaying my
+ character's glyph, in pixels, counting right then down from the
+ top-left corner of the text display area, and starting from 0@0
+ !
- Any recomposition or movement of a Paragraph can make the instance obsolete.!