A new version of GraphicsTests was added to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/GraphicsTests-wiz.23.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: GraphicsTests-wiz.23
Author: wiz
Time: 29 April 2010, 2:18:35.461 am
UUID: 98625695-e54f-407f-b627-a90e6d5dfa80
Ancestors: GraphicsTests-ar.22
This adds a test demonstrating that rectangles will change shape when their dimensions are rounded if the origin and corner are in different quadrants.
See Mantis 2453
http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2453The condition for this to happen occurs anytime a morph with odd extent is rendered by a transformation morph.
Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace
=============== Diff against GraphicsTests-ar.22 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RectangleTest>>testRoundingAfterHalfPixelTranslation (in category 'tests') -----
+ testRoundingAfterHalfPixelTranslation
+ "A rectangle right on the cusp of rounding changes shape if origin and
+ corner are in differenct quadrants"
+ "self debug: #testRoundingAfterHalfPixelTranslation"
+ | trouble noTrouble |
+ trouble := 10 negated asPoint rect: 10 asPoint.
+ noTrouble := trouble translateBy: 15.
+ 10 timesRepeat: [trouble := (trouble translateBy: 0.5) rounded].
+ 10 timesRepeat: [noTrouble := (noTrouble translateBy: 0.5) rounded].
+ self assert: trouble extent = noTrouble extent!