Matthew Fulmer uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-mtf.501
Author: mtf
Time: 28 December 2010, 8:43:55.314 pm
UUID: 58aeefd2-fb62-1a45-aa60-92515490433b
Ancestors: Morphic-mtf.500
import from Croquet
Name: Morphic-ar.9
Author: ar
Time: 13 March 2006, 4:26:31 pm
UUID: 071f4e22-280e-1044-bf61-112022984c8c
Ancestors: Morphic-ar.8
- add a fix for transparent backgrounds in Morphic worlds
=============== Diff against Morphic-mtf.500 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: WorldState>>drawWorld:submorphs:invalidAreasOn: (in category 'update cycle') -----
drawWorld: aWorld submorphs: submorphs invalidAreasOn: aCanvas
"Redraw the damaged areas of the given canvas and clear the damage list. Return a collection of the areas that
were redrawn."
| rectList n morphs rects validList |
rectList := damageRecorder invalidRectsFullBounds: aWorld viewBox.
"sort by areas to draw largest portions first"
rectList := rectList asArray sort: [:r1 :r2 | r1 area > r2 area].
damageRecorder reset.
n := submorphs size.
morphs := OrderedCollection new: n * 2.
rects := OrderedCollection new: n * 2.
validList := OrderedCollection new: n * 2.
+ "This is added in case we are drawing to a form that is to be used as a texture, and we want the background to be translucent."
+ aWorld color isTranslucent ifTrue:
+ [rectList do: [:r | aCanvas form fill: r fillColor: aWorld color]].
rectList do:
[:dirtyRect |
dirtyRect allAreasOutsideList: validList
[:r | | mm rectToFill remnants c rect i |
"Experimental top-down drawing --
Traverses top to bottom, stopping if the entire area is filled.
If only a single rectangle remains, then continue with the reduced rectangle."
rectToFill := r.
i := 1.
[rectToFill isNil or: [i > n]] whileFalse:
[mm := submorphs at: i.
((mm fullBounds intersects: r) and: [mm visible])
[morphs addLast: mm.
rects addLast: rectToFill.
remnants := mm areasRemainingToFill: rectToFill.
remnants size = 1 ifTrue: [rectToFill := remnants first].
remnants isEmpty ifTrue: [rectToFill := nil]].
i := i + 1].
"Now paint from bottom to top, but using the reduced rectangles."
ifNotNil: [aWorld drawOn: (c := aCanvas copyClipRect: rectToFill)].
[morphs isEmpty] whileFalse:
[(rect := rects removeLast) == rectToFill
ifFalse: [c := aCanvas copyClipRect: (rectToFill := rect)].
c fullDrawMorph: morphs removeLast].
morphs reset.
rects reset.
validList add: r]].