Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Morphic-nice.439
Author: nice
Time: 11 June 2010, 10:18:01.35 pm
UUID: 5b1dcbd2-5f22-0146-8ff3-3ff65d40984e
Ancestors: Morphic-cmm.438
Use String>>lines to handle any case of in image LF leakage
=============== Diff against Morphic-cmm.438 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MVCMenuMorph class>>from:title: (in category 'instance creation') -----
from: aPopupMenu title: titleStringOrNil
"Answer a MenuMorph constructed from the given PopUpMenu. Used to simulate MVC-style menus in a Morphic-only world."
| menu items lines selections labelString j |
menu := self new.
titleStringOrNil ifNotNil: [
titleStringOrNil isEmpty ifFalse: [menu addTitle: titleStringOrNil]].
labelString := aPopupMenu labelString.
+ items := labelString asString lines.
- items := labelString asString findTokens: String cr.
labelString isText ifTrue:
["Pass along text emphasis if present"
j := 1.
items := items collect:
[:item | | emphasis |
j := labelString asString findString: item startingAt: j.
emphasis := TextEmphasis new emphasisCode: (labelString emphasisAt: j).
item asText addAttribute: emphasis]].
lines := aPopupMenu lineArray.
lines ifNil: [lines := #()].
menu cancelValue: 0.
menu defaultTarget: menu.
selections := (1 to: items size) asArray.
1 to: items size do: [:i |
menu add: (items at: i) selector: #selectMVCItem: argument: (selections at: i).
(lines includes: i) ifTrue: [menu addLine]].
^ menu
Item was changed:
----- Method: MenuMorph>>labels:lines:selections: (in category 'construction') -----
labels: labelList lines: linesArray selections: selectionsArray
"This method allows the receiver to accept old-style SelectionMenu creation messages. It should be used only for backward compatibility during the MVC-to-Morphic transition. New code should be written using the other menu construction protocol such as addList:."
"Labels can be either a sting with embedded crs, or a collection of strings."
| labelArray |
labelArray := (labelList isString)
+ ifTrue: [labelList lines]
- ifTrue: [labelList findTokens: String cr]
ifFalse: [labelList].
1 to: labelArray size
[:i |
self add: (labelArray at: i) action: (selectionsArray at: i).
(linesArray includes: i) ifTrue: [self addLine]]!