Bert Freudenberg uploaded a new version of MorphicExtras to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: MorphicExtras-bf.87
Author: bf
Time: 17 June 2010, 7:20:47.318 pm
UUID: e8825c43-de3a-41e9-adbd-61bb606bb62b
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-nice.86
- revert a refactoring that broke TextOnCurve
=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-nice.86 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TextOnCurve>>displayOn:using:at: (in category 'display') -----
displayOn: aCanvas using: displayScanner at: somePosition
"Send all visible lines to the displayScanner for display"
+ | warp lineRect lineCanvas backgroundColor lineForm leftInRun sourceQuad maxExtent |
+ "most of these temps are initialized lazily and need to be at the method level - do not move into the block below!!"
- | warp |
warp := nil.
self textSegmentsDo:
+ [:line :destRect :segStart :segAngle |
- [:line :destRect :segStart :segAngle | | lineRect lineCanvas backgroundColor lineForm leftInRun sourceQuad maxExtent |
false ifTrue:
["Show the dest rects for debugging..."
aCanvas frameRectangle: destRect width: 1 color: Color black].
(aCanvas isVisible: destRect) ifTrue:
[warp ifNil:
+ ["Lazy initialization because may not have to display at all."
- ["Lazy initialization because may hot have to display at all."
maxExtent := lines inject: lines first rectangle extent
into: [:maxWid :lin | maxWid max: lin rectangle extent].
lineForm := Form extent: maxExtent depth: aCanvas depth.
displayScanner setDestForm: lineForm.
lineRect := lineForm boundingBox.
leftInRun := 0.
backgroundColor := (curve borderWidth > 10
ifTrue: [curve color]
ifFalse: [curve owner isHandMorph
ifTrue: [curve owner owner color]
ifFalse: [curve owner color]]) dominantColor.
warp := (aCanvas warpFrom: lineRect corners toRect: lineRect)
cellSize: 2; "installs a colormap if smoothing > 1"
sourceForm: lineForm.
warp colorMap: (self warpMapForDepth: aCanvas depth
withTransparentFor: backgroundColor).
lineCanvas := lineForm getCanvas].
sourceQuad := destRect innerCorners collect:
[:p | self pointInLine: line forDestPoint: p
segStart: segStart segAngle: segAngle].
lineForm fill: lineForm boundingBox fillColor: backgroundColor.
self displaySelectionInLine: line on: lineCanvas.
leftInRun := displayScanner displayLine: line offset: 0@0 leftInRun: leftInRun.
warp sourceQuad: sourceQuad destRect: (destRect translateBy: aCanvas origin).
warp warpBits]].