Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ShoutTests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ShoutTests-ul.26.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ShoutTests-ul.26 Author: ul Time: 7 May 2015, 3:18:05.834 am UUID: 8830be7b-4069-46ab-810a-7fb3bd086564 Ancestors: ShoutTests-topa.25 Pass a String to SHParserST80, not a Text. =============== Diff against ShoutTests-topa.25 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80Test>>verifyClass:selector: (in category 'utilities') ----- verifyClass: aBehavior selector: aSymbol | ranges position types errors | ranges := SHParserST80 new + rangesIn: (aBehavior sourceCodeAt: aSymbol) asString - rangesIn: (aBehavior sourceCodeAt: aSymbol) classOrMetaClass: aBehavior workspace: nil environment: nil. types := #(#default #invalid #excessCode #comment #unfinishedComment #'$' #character #integer #number #- #symbol #stringSymbol #literalArray #string #unfinishedString #assignment #ansiAssignment #literal #keyword #binary #unary #incompleteKeyword #incompleteBinary #incompleteUnary #undefinedKeyword #undefinedBinary #undefinedUnary #patternKeyword #patternBinary #patternUnary #self #super #true #false #nil #thisContext #return #patternArg #methodArg #blockPatternArg #blockArg #argument #blockArgColon #leftParenthesis #rightParenthesis #leftParenthesis1 #rightParenthesis1 #leftParenthesis2 #rightParenthesis2 #leftParenthesis3 #rightParenthesis3 #leftParenthesis4 #rightParenthesis4 #leftParenthesis5 #rightParenthesis5 #leftParenthesis6 #rightParenthesis6 #leftParenthesis7 #rightParenthesis7 #blockStart #blockEnd #blockStart1 #blockEnd1 #blockStart2 #blockEnd2 #blockStart3 #blockEnd3 #blockStart4 #blockEnd4 #blockStart5 #blockEnd5 #blockStart6 #blockEnd6 #blockStart7 #blockEnd7 #arrayStart #arrayEnd #arrayStart1 #arrayEnd1 #byteArrayStart #byteArrayEnd #byteArrayStart1 #byteArrayEnd1 #leftBrace #rightBrace #cascadeSeparator #statementSeparator #externalCallType #externalCallTypePointerIndicator #primitiveOrExternalCallStart #primitiveOrExternalCallEnd #methodTempBar #blockTempBar #blockArgsBar #primitive #externalFunctionCallingConvention #module #blockTempVar #blockPatternTempVar #instVar #workspaceVar #undefinedIdentifier #incompleteIdentifier #tempVar #patternTempVar #poolConstant #classVar #globalVar #pragmaKeyword #pragmaUnary #pragmaBinary) asIdentitySet. errors := #(#excessCode #unfinishedComment #unfinishedString) asIdentitySet. position := 0. ranges do: [ :each | self assert: 1 <= each length description: 'empty range'. self assert: position <= each start description: 'overlapping range'. self assert: each start <= each end description: 'empty range'. self assert: (types includes: each type) description: 'unknown type ' , each type. self deny: (errors includes: each type) description: 'error type ' , each type. position := each end ]! |
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