Chris Muller uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-bp.408
Author: bp
Time: 8 January 2011, 1:06:09.489 pm
UUID: 2153cfcb-17e1-43bd-8249-824cd0322d12
Ancestors: System-mtf.407
- rebuild Menus after changing window colors to show correct colors in the Tools menu
- fix typo in comment of installPastelWindowColors
- fix bug in noviceModeSettingChanged
=============== Diff against System-mtf.407 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Preferences class>>installPastelWindowColors (in category 'window colors') -----
"Install the factory-provided default pastel window colors for all tools"
+ "Preferences installPastelWindowColors"
- "Preferences installBrightWindowColors"
self installWindowColorsVia: [:aSpec | aSpec pastelColor]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Preferences class>>installWindowColorsVia: (in category 'window colors') -----
installWindowColorsVia: colorSpecBlock
"Install windows colors using colorSpecBlock to deliver the color source for each element; the block is handed a WindowColorSpec object"
"Preferences installBrightWindowColors"
WindowColorRegistry refresh.
self windowColorTable do:
[:aColorSpec | | color |
color := (Color colorFrom: (colorSpecBlock value: aColorSpec)).
self setWindowColorFor: aColorSpec classSymbol to: color].
SystemWindow withAllSubclasses do: [:c |
c allInstances do: [:w | w refreshWindowColor]].
+ TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances
Item was changed:
----- Method: Preferences class>>noviceModeSettingChanged (in category 'reacting to change') -----
"The current value of the noviceMode flag has changed;
now react"
TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances.
PasteUpMorph allSubInstances
select: [:each | each isWorldMorph]
thenDo: [:each | each initializeDesktopCommandKeySelectors].
+ Smalltalk at: #ParagraphEditor ifPresent: [:aClass| aClass initialize]!
- (Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #ParagraphEditor)
- ifTrue: [Smalltalk at: #ParagraphEditor initialize]!