Matthew Fulmer uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mtf.404
Author: mtf
Time: 20 December 2010, 4:30:24.546 pm
UUID: 1563c243-5819-474d-8809-905b4768bdfb
Ancestors: System-mtf.403
added another convenience method for dumping an error log
use the convenience method in the toolset
imported from Cobalt
=============== Diff against System-mtf.403 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemDictionary>>dumpException: (in category 'miscellaneous') -----
+ dumpException: ex
+ self
+ logSqueakError: ex description
+ inContext: ex signalerContext .
+ !
Item was changed:
----- Method: ToolSet class>>debugError: (in category 'debugging') -----
debugError: anError
"Handle an otherwise unhandled error"
self default ifNil:[ | ctx |
+ logSqueakError: anError description
+ inContext: (ctx := anError signalerContext) .
- logError: anError description
- inContext: (ctx := anError signalerContext)
- to: 'SqueakDebug.log'.
self inform: (anError description, String cr, ctx shortStack).
^anError return].
^self default debugError: anError!