Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-nice.401
Author: nice
Time: 14 December 2010, 3:35:52.364 pm
UUID: d80cdabe-2a2d-4648-b373-3011b5148dc6
Ancestors: System-ul.400
Normalize some LargePositiveInteger created with #new:
=============== Diff against System-ul.400 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DigitalSignatureAlgorithm>>initRandomFromString: (in category 'initialization') -----
initRandomFromString: aString
"Ask the user to type a long random string and use the result to seed the secure random number generator."
| s k srcIndex |
s := aString.
k := LargePositiveInteger new: (s size min: 64).
srcIndex := 0.
k digitLength to: 1 by: -1 do: [:i |
k digitAt: i put: (s at: (srcIndex := srcIndex + 1)) asciiValue].
+ k := k normalize + (Random new next * 16r7FFFFFFF) asInteger. "a few additional bits randomness"
- k := k + (Random new next * 16r7FFFFFFF) asInteger. "a few additional bits randomness"
k highBit > 512 ifTrue: [k := k bitShift: k highBit - 512].
self initRandom: k.
Item was changed:
----- Method: DigitalSignatureAlgorithm>>initRandomFromUser (in category 'initialization') -----
"Ask the user to type a long random string and use the result to seed the secure random number generator."
| s k srcIndex |
s := UIManager default request: 'Enter a long random string to seed the random generator.'.
k := LargePositiveInteger new: (s size min: 64).
srcIndex := 0.
k digitLength to: 1 by: -1 do: [:i |
k digitAt: i put: (s at: (srcIndex := srcIndex + 1)) asciiValue].
+ k := k normalize + (Random new next * 16r7FFFFFFF) asInteger. "a few additional bits randomness"
- k := k + (Random new next * 16r7FFFFFFF) asInteger. "a few additional bits randomness"
k highBit > 512 ifTrue: [k := k bitShift: k highBit - 512].
self initRandom: k.