Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-Morphic to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.272
Author: mt
Time: 20 February 2021, 12:48:54.758759 pm
UUID: d0cb109f-4d8a-0a44-ac07-cd78abdc71e1
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.271
Complements Morphic-mt.1724
=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.271 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MorphicToolBuilder>>buildPluggableWindow: (in category 'widgets required') -----
buildPluggableWindow: aSpec
| widget |
aSpec layout == #proportional ifFalse:[
"This needs to be implemented - probably by adding a single pane and then the rest"
^self error: 'Not implemented'.
widget := (self windowClassFor: aSpec) new.
self register: widget id: aSpec name.
widget model: aSpec model.
"Set child dependent layout properties."
widget wantsPaneSplitters: (aSpec wantsResizeHandles ifNil: [true]).
+ MorphicProject worldGridEnabled ifTrue: [
+ "Snap both #position and #extent to grid."
+ aSpec horizontalResizing ifNil: [aSpec horizontalResizing: #spaceFill].
+ aSpec verticalResizing ifNil: [aSpec verticalResizing: #spaceFill]].
self setLayoutHintsFor: widget spec: aSpec.
widget layoutInset: (aSpec padding ifNil: [ProportionalSplitterMorph gripThickness]).
widget cellGap: (aSpec spacing ifNil: [ProportionalSplitterMorph gripThickness]).
"Now create the children."
panes := OrderedCollection new.
aSpec children isSymbol
ifTrue: [
widget getChildrenSelector: aSpec children.
widget update: aSpec children]
ifFalse: [
self buildAll: aSpec children in: widget].
widget setUpdatablePanesFrom: panes.
aSpec label ifNotNil: [:label|
label isSymbol
ifTrue:[widget getLabelSelector: label]
ifFalse:[widget setLabel: label]].
aSpec multiWindowStyle notNil ifTrue:
[widget savedMultiWindowState: (SavedMultiWindowState on: aSpec model)].
widget closeWindowSelector: aSpec closeAction.
self buildHelpFor: widget spec: aSpec.
widget bounds: (RealEstateAgent
initialFrameFor: widget
initialExtent: (aSpec extent ifNil:[widget initialExtent])
world: self currentWorld).
widget refreshWindowColor.
^ widget!