The Trunk: Tools-eem.752.mcz

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The Trunk: Tools-eem.752.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-eem.752
Author: eem
Time: 30 March 2017, 4:01:34.56151 pm
UUID: 300fa820-73ad-4c48-9865-342e8a258a5b
Ancestors: Tools-eem.751

Remove debugging support methods on obsolete context classes.

=============== Diff against Tools-eem.751 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ContextPart>>errorReportOn: (in category '*Tools-debugger access') -----
- errorReportOn: strm
- "Write a detailed error report on the stack (above me) on a stream.  For both the error file, and emailing a bug report.  Suppress any errors while getting printStrings.  Limit the length."
- | cnt aContext startPos |
-   strm print: Date today; space; print: Time now; cr.
- strm cr.
- strm nextPutAll: 'VM: ';
- nextPutAll:  Smalltalk platformName asString;
- nextPutAll: ' - ';
- nextPutAll: Smalltalk asString;
- cr.
- strm nextPutAll: 'Image: ';
- nextPutAll:  SystemVersion current version asString;
- nextPutAll: ' [';
- nextPutAll: Smalltalk lastUpdateString asString;
- nextPutAll: ']';
- cr.
- strm cr.
- SecurityManager default printStateOn: strm.
- "Note: The following is an open-coded version of ContextPart>>stackOfSize: since this method may be called during a low space condition and we might run out of space for allocating the full stack."
- cnt := 0.  startPos := strm position.
- aContext := self.
- [aContext notNil and: [(cnt := cnt + 1) < 20]] whileTrue:
- [aContext printDetails: strm. "variable values"
- strm cr.
- aContext := aContext sender].
- strm cr; nextPutAll: '--- The full stack ---'; cr.
- aContext := self.
- cnt := 0.
- [aContext == nil] whileFalse:
- [cnt := cnt + 1.
- cnt = 20 ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'; cr].
- strm print: aContext; cr.  "just class>>selector"
- "exit early if too long..."
- strm position > (startPos+ self class maxLengthForASingleDebugLogReport) ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: '...etc...'. ^ self]. cnt > self class maxStackDepthForASingleDebugLogReport ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: '-- and more not shown --'. ^ self].
- aContext := aContext sender].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MethodContext>>errorReportOn: (in category '*Tools-debugger access') -----
- errorReportOn: strm
- "Write a detailed error report on the stack (above me) on a stream.  For both the error file, and emailing a bug report.  Suppress any errors while getting printStrings.  Limit the length."
- | cnt aContext startPos |
-   strm print: Date today; space; print: Time now; cr.
- strm cr.
- strm nextPutAll: 'VM: ';
- nextPutAll:  Smalltalk platformName asString;
- nextPutAll: ' - ';
- nextPutAll: Smalltalk asString;
- cr.
- strm nextPutAll: 'Image: ';
- nextPutAll:  SystemVersion current version asString;
- nextPutAll: ' [';
- nextPutAll: Smalltalk lastUpdateString asString;
- nextPutAll: ']';
- cr.
- strm cr.
- SecurityManager default printStateOn: strm.
- "Note: The following is an open-coded version of ContextPart>>stackOfSize: since this method may be called during a low space condition and we might run out of space for allocating the full stack."
- cnt := 0.  startPos := strm position.
- aContext := self.
- [aContext notNil and: [(cnt := cnt + 1) < 20]] whileTrue:
- [aContext printDetails: strm. "variable values"
- strm cr.
- aContext := aContext sender].
- strm cr; nextPutAll: '--- The full stack ---'; cr.
- aContext := self.
- cnt := 0.
- [aContext == nil] whileFalse:
- [cnt := cnt + 1.
- cnt = 20 ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'; cr].
- strm print: aContext; cr.  "just class>>selector"
- "exit early if too long..."
- strm position > (startPos+ self class maxLengthForASingleDebugLogReport) ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: '...etc...'. ^ self]. cnt > self class maxStackDepthForASingleDebugLogReport ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: '-- and more not shown --'. ^ self].
- aContext := aContext sender].
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: MethodContext>>inspectorClass (in category '*Tools-Inspector') -----
- inspectorClass
- "Answer the class of the inspector to be used on the receiver.  Called by inspect;
- use basicInspect to get a normal (less useful) type of inspector."
- ^ ContextInspector!